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Cross-border/Cross-discipline/Cross-time: ancient science bypassing Aristotle

11 jui 2021 13:00 - 19:00

Workshop organisé par Markham Geller, chercheur-résident de l'IEA de Paris, et Victor Gysembergh, CNRS, Centre Léon Robin de recherches sur la pensée antique.

Ce workshop se déroulera en anglais.Inscriptions obligatoires via le formulaire en bas de page.


The innovative focus of the workshop will be on examples of ancient science which were not influenced by Aristotle but developed in other contexts and epistemes, from Pre-Socratic philosophy to the Babylonian Talmud. The main question regards
what motivated ancient science and how interactions between traditional disciplines may have influenced new thinking and innovation in ancient scholarship. Since innovations are easier to chart in practical applications of knowledge, as new technologies spread around the ancient world, the following examples of scientific knowledge will be of primary interest:
writing it down: scribal arts
figuring it out: astronomy and mathematics
looking for it: divination
making it work: alchemy
locating it: geography
manipulating it: medicine and magic
putting it into context: cosmology

Programme (Heure de Paris)

13:00 - 14:00      
Nicla de Zorzi (Vienna)
Respondent: Jean-Jacques Glassner (Paris)
Seeking knowledge: principles of interpretation in Ancient Mesopotamian divination

14:00 - 15:00      
Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel (Strasbourg)
Respondent: Alain Berthoz (Paris)
Understanding sensory experiences in cuneiform sources 

15.30 - 16:30   
Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert (Paris)
Respondent: Mark Geller (IEA de Paris)
Aspects of scientific thought in the Babylonian Talmud 

16:30 - 17:30   
Maurizio Viano (Turin)
Respondent: Glenn Most (Pisa, Chicago)
Babylonian hermeneutics and early Greek thought

18:00 - 19:00       
Victor Gysembergh (Paris)
Respondent: Lorenzo Verderame (Rome)
Chaldaean arithmetical astronomy at Plato’s Academy

Inscriptions : Les inscriptions sont closes. Si vous souhaitez participer à l'événement merci de nous contacter à l'adresse suivante :

Les inscriptions sont closes. Néanmoins l’entrée sera possible 5 minutes avant le début de l’événement en fonction du nombre de places disponibles.
La médecine juive antique
01 septembre 2020 - 30 juin 2021
11 Jui 2021 19:00
Markham Geller
Conférences, interventions et entretiens