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From the Embodied Self to the Embodied Person. On the Constitution of One’s Own Personal Expressive Style

25 mai 2020 16:00 - 18:00

E-workshop de Francesca Forlè (San Raffaele University, Milan) dans le cadre du cycle « Conversations on values and value experience » organisé par Roberta de Monticelli, résidente chercheuse 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris.

Inscriptions : e-workshop en accès libre. Veuillez-vous inscrire pour chaque workshop via le formulaire situé ici. Un lien de connexion vous sera envoyé par e-mail quelques jours avant.
Registration: these e-workshops are free access. Please register for each workshop via the form at the bottom of the page. A link will be sent to you by e-mail a few days before.


In this talk, I will focus on the process of constitution of oneself as an embodied being and, more precisely, on the specific way in which one can experience oneself not just as an embodied self, but rather as the actual embodied person he/she is. I will start by describing the most basic way in which our embodied self is constituted, that is as a felt-feeling body and as the zero-point of orientation of all our sensations and perceptions. Then, I will show how our body can be constituted for us also as an instrument for action, leading to the experience of what Husserl called “I-can” (Husserl 1952, 159-160). I will argue that, even though in this latter form of body awareness we can experience some traits of our own personality, a further dimension of our embodied life – that is, the expressive one – allows us to have a more defined experience of the specific embodied persons we are. I will describe what “person” specifically means in my framework and, on this basis, I will show how the expressive dimension of our body can account for my experience of myself not just as an embodied self, but as the embodied person I am.

Inscriptions : ici

Les valeurs dans la peau. Une phénoménologie des qualités de la valeur
01 septembre 2019 - 30 juin 2020
25 Mai 2020 18:00
Roberta De Monticelli
Conférences, interventions et entretiens