Accueil / flux-evenements / Three dialogues on values from mind to society: historical, philosophical, psychological and neuroscientific perspectives

Three dialogues on values from mind to society: historical, philosophical, psychological and neuroscientific perspectives

15 jan 2020 14:00 - 17:30
IEA de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Journée d'étude dans le cadre du Programme "Cerveau, Culture et Société" de l'IEA de Paris.

Values remain an essential driver of human actions, whether they pose prohibitions or designate desirable conducts. Every society, every social field is based on a set of values that form the basis of its identity and enable it to function, but which can also contradict each other and give rise to dysfunction and conflicts. An interdisciplinary approach is necessary to account for the interweaving of individual and collective dimensions of values and their role in guiding behaviour. The Paris IAS proposes a series of dialogues between philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists to explore how values, morality(ies), reason(s) and passions shape relationships to the world and human actions, from their most carnal anchorage in bodies and minds to their most global expression at the societal level.

Entrée libre sur inscription (voir formulaire en bas de page). L'inscription est nominative et individuelle. Elle ne correspond pas à une réservation de place. Elle vous permet un accès prioritaire dans la limite des places disponibles.


"Values in science and society"
Introduction by Saadi Lahlou (Director of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study)

"Values, culture and self-identity"
Roberta de Monticelli (Professor for Philosophy of Personhood, San Raffaele
University, Milan)
Gloria Origgi (Research Director CNRS-EHESS-Institut Jean Nicod)

"The Place of Values in the Mind"
Robert Pasnau (Professor of history of philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder) and Laurent Jaffro (Professor of moral philosophy, Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

15:30-16:00 Discussion

"The Time and the Place of Values in the Social Mind"
Salvatore Aglioti (Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Sapienza University of Rome)
Etienne Koechlin (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Director of Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory)

17:00-17:30 Discussion

Date dépassée
15 Jan 2020 17:30
Colloques et journées d’étude