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The Radio Free Stein project

06 avr 2019 12:00 - 12:45
Kloveniersburgwal 86,
1012 CZ Amsterdam

Conférence d'Adam Frank (résident 2018-2019 de l'IEA de Paris) dans le cadre du symposium "Beyond the Sentence - Stein as Open Text", organisé par le Gertrude Stein European Network, Perdu, et l'Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON)'s Modern and Contemporary Literature Research Group (Utrecht University)


This daylong programme brings together both academic and artistic research that explores Stein’s writings as both the result of and catalyst for creative, collaborative engagements. We’ll examine how both Stein and her readers have positioned her work within various media ecologies and, ultimately, test the possibilities of reading it as an “open text”. As Lyn Hejinian, poet, translator, essayist and our keynote speaker, writes in “The Rejection of Closure”: “The ‘open text’, by definition, is open to the world and particularly to the reader. It invited participation, rejects the authority of the writer over the reader and thus, by analogy, the authority implicit in other (social, economic, cultural) hierarchies.” The “open text” also rejects the definitive boundaries of different media and disciplines; thus we will insterpserse lectures and panel discussions with readings, collaborative translations, music and dance.

Plus d'informations (site de Perdu)

Radio Free Stein : composition, expression et performativité
01 septembre 2018 - 30 juin 2019
06 Avr 2019 12:45
Adam Frank
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Monde ou sans région