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The Monarchical Order - Internationalization, Vassal Kings, and Legitimate Independence in Afro-Eurasia, 1820s-1930s

15 nov 2018 13:00 - 15:00
Amphithéâtre François Furet
105 bvd Raspail

Conférence d'Adam Mestyan (résident 2018-2019 de l'IEA de Paris) dans le cadre des réunions mensuelles du CETOBaC


In the first part of this talk I present a conceptual framework (connecting new imperial history and International Relations theory) about how smaller monarchies embody a form of imperial domination between the 1820s and the 1930s. European empire-states integrated polities into the capitalist world order typically through local monarchical governments in this period. I conceptualize the relationship of smaller monarchies to European empires as oscillating between two ideal poles: outside of Europe, empires used the vassal dimension of local ruler traditions to dominate polities in quasi-sovereign situations. Within Europe, national monarchies embodied what I call “legitimate independence.” Collectively, the range of polities operating in and between these modes of managing sovereignty during this period constitute what I refer to as the “monarchical order.” In the second half of this seminar, I bring the concrete example of the late Ottoman Empire in competition with European Christian empires. Based on the example of North African and Arabian provinces (and some Eastern European ones) I argue that the Tanzimat-period included also a composite dimension of the Ottoman Empire. This composite dimension can be seen in what I call "princely regions" (the beylik of Tunis, the khedivate of Egypt, the emirate of Mecca, etc). The goal is to understand the monarchical effects of inter-imperial competition which leads to the European-dominated new Arab national monarchies in the interwar period.

La royauté arabe contemporaine : islam et nationalisme dans les monarchies arabes des années 1910-1950
01 septembre 2018 - 30 juin 2019
15 Nov 2018 15:00
Adam Mestyan
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Afrique du Nord, Proche et Moyen-Orient