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Historiography of Renaissance and Early Modern Scholarship: An International Roundtable on Anthony Grafton’s 'Contributi'

17 jui 2015 14:30 - 18:30

Institut d'études avancées de Paris

Hôtel de Lauzun

17 quai d'Anjou, 75004 Paris


Organisé à l'occasion du 65e anniversaire de l'historien américain Anthony Grafton, professeur à l'Université de Princeton (chaire Henry Putman).


Paris Institute of Advanced Study celebrates Anthony Grafton’s 65th birthday for his outstanding work on the history of scholarship, especially of the classical tradition in European intellectual history since the Renaissance, including the history of the evolution of scholarly practices, techniques and attitudes, and the links between humanist learning and the development of modern science. Participants are willing to acknowledge Anthony Grafton’s contribution to the discipline through out their own research. The meeting aims to mix both personal affection and scholarly respect towards Anthony Grafton’s contribution to the study of history and historiography.


Participants :

  • Sean Roberts (Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar / Robert Lehman Fellow, Villa I Tatti ; Secretary, Italian Art Society) : “Berlinghieri’s Cosmos”.
  • Brian Sandberg (Northern Illinois University et fellow at the Paris IAS) : “Intellectual Communities in Conflict: Jean Bodin, Historical Criticism, and Political Culture in Anthony Grafton’s Ars historica”
  • Lucio Biasiori (Jean-François Malle Fellow, Villa I Tatti; Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa): “Anthony Grafton's Contribution to the History of Reading”
  • Dmitri Levitin (Research Fellow, Trinity College, University of Cambridge): “What happened to Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity after Scaliger and Casaubon?”
  • Richard Serjeantson (Lecturer in History, Trinity College, Cambridge): “Teaching and Learning the ‘New Philosophy’ in seventeenth-century England: the road to Isaac Newton” 
  • Lia Markey (Hanna Kiel Fellow, Villa I Tatti): “New Worlds, Ancient Texts and How to Represent the Unseen in Early Modern Italy.”
  • Sophie Smith (Research Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford): “Studied for action? Reading Aristotle's Politics in late sixteenth century England”
Giambattista Vico’s reception in Europe: New Science and the beginnings of modern historiography and philology.
01 septembre 2014 - 30 juin 2015
30 juin 2015
17 Jui 2015 18:30
Levent Yilmaz
Colloques et journées d’étude
Époque moderne (1492-1789)
Europe occidentale