Accueil / flux-evenements / Steno and the Philosophers

Steno and the Philosophers

12 fév 2015 09:00 - 13 fév 2015 18:00

Institut d’études avancées de Paris, 17 quai d'Anjou, 75004 Paris


Colloque international organisé par Mogens Laerke (CR1-HDR, CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS Lyon) et Raphaële Andrault (CR2, CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS Lyon) en partenariat avec l'IEA de Paris.


The Danish scientist and theologian Nicolas Steno (1638-1686) was a brilliant scientist and influential theologian, but also as an important natural philosopher who played a pivotal, albeit ambivalent, role in the intellectual networks in the late seventeenth century. Focusing on Steno’s importance for seventeenth century philosophy, this international conference questions the intricate relations between philosophy, theology and the emerging sciences (medicine and geology in particular) in the early modern Republic of Letters through the biographical prism of one of its most fascinating members.

Participants :

Mogens Lærke (CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS Lyon)
Raphaele Andrault (CNRS, UMR 5037, ENS Lyon)
Justin E. H. Smith (Université Paris 7)
Ole Peter Grell (Université Open, UK)
Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen (Copenhagen)
Daniel Garber (Université de Princeton)
Eric Jorink (Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, The Hague)
Vasiliki Grigoropoulou (Université d'Athènes)
Jakob Bek Thomsen (Université d'Aarhus)
Pina Totaro (ILIESI-CNR, Université de Rome La Sapienza)
Frank Sobiech (Université de Würzburg)
Troels Kardel (Copenhagen)

Inscription obligatoire auprès de Mogens Lærke :



13 Fév 2015 18:00
Colloques et journées d’étude