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The Vico Road

13 jan 2015 15:00 - 14 jan 2015 18:30
Institut d’études avancées de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Colloque international organisé par Levent Yilmaz (résident de l'IEA de Paris) Paolo Cristofolini et Manuela Sanna, avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris et l'Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno - Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Naples.


Colloque international concernant les derniers résultats des “Vico Studies” et des domaines proches : état de l'art, nouvelles approches, nouvelles découvertes.

Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) spent most of his professional life as Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Naples. He was trained in jurisprudence, but read widely in Classics, philology, and philosophy, all of which informed his highly original views on history, historiography, and culture. His thought is most fully expressed in his mature work, the Scienza Nuova or The New Science. In his own time, Vico was relatively not so known, but from the nineteenth century onwards his views found a wider audience and today his influence is widespread in the humanities and social sciences. While borrowing our title “The Vico Road” to James Joyce, the conference at the Paris Insitute of Advanced Study will examine the current state of the study of the works of Giambattista Vico. We will try to encourage discussion of ideas that can be considered Vichian in nature and that have some affinity with modern and contemporary thought.


13 janvier

15h00 : ouverture

15h15-16h30 :
Mark Lilla (Columbia University): “The Making of an Anti-Modern, 20 Years Later”
Alain Pons (Université Paris 10): “Vico et la Description du monde moderne”

16h30-16h45 : pause

16h45-18h15 :
Manuela Sanna (University de Naples, ISPF-CNR): “Barbarie della natura e del cuore”
Pierre Girard (ENS Lyon): "Vico entre tradition investigante et matérialisme"


14 janvier

09h30-11h15 :
Andrea Battistini (Université de Bologna) : “La difesa vichiana della veridicità del racconto biblico.”
Levent Yilmaz (Istanbul Bilgi University) : “De Rerum Naturaet Corpus Iuris Civilis dans l’œuvre de Vico”
Baldine StGirons (Université Paris 10) : “Du besoin de poésie hier et aujourd’hui.”

11h15-11h30 : pause

11h30-12h45 :
Roberto Evangelista (Université de Naples “Federico II”) : “La riprensione della metafisica di Spinoza e Locke. Il caso, la necessità, la storia”
Türker Armaner (Galatasaray University) : “The Order of Ideas: Vico and Spinoza”

12h45-14h00 : déjeuner

14h00-15h45 :
Jürgen Trabant (Université libre, Berlin) : “On the Vico Road: the sematological lane”
Peter König (Université de Heidelberg) : “On Vico’s Philosophy of Authority”
Georges Navet (Université Paris 8) : “Des républiques populaires”

15h45-16h00 : pause

16h00-17h15 :
Raffaele Ruggiero (University of Bari) : “Il Diritto universale tra due stagioni 'costituzionali'”
Monica Riccio (ISPF-CNR) : “Vico in Lombroso”

17h15-17h30 : pause

17h30-18h30 : discussion finale

Giambattista Vico’s reception in Europe: New Science and the beginnings of modern historiography and philology.
01 septembre 2014 - 30 juin 2015
30 juin 2015
14 Jan 2015 18:30
Levent Yilmaz
Colloques et journées d’étude
Époque moderne (1492-1789)
Europe occidentale