Accueil / flux-evenements / Expressive qualities. State of the art and research perspectives on the expressive characters of experience

Expressive qualities. State of the art and research perspectives on the expressive characters of experience

25 sep 2014 00:00 - 27 sep 2014 00:00

Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano del Garda


Colloque organisé par l'Università degli studi di Milano, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici. Chiara Cappelletto, résidente à l'IEA de Paris, intervient comme discutant de l'intervention de Giulia Parovel (Università degli Studi Siena), “Effetti comici dell'incongruenza nella causalità e nell'animacy”.

The conference aims to provide a picture of the studies about expressive qualities of objects from the viewpoint of the philosophy of mind, of art and of music, and of phenomenology. The date would offer the chance to face the most significant aspects of the philosophical problem raised by the experience of expressive qualities, as the relationships with perceptions, emotions, imagination, its impact on the artistic experience, the historical origins of the debate and its possible variations.

L’acteur sur scène : une approche neuroesthétique de l’ex-centricité de l’être humain
15 septembre 2014 - 15 décembre 2014
15 décembre 2014
27 Sep 2014 00:00
Chiara Cappelletto
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Gargnano del Garda
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Monde ou sans région