Accueil / flux-evenements / Remembering the Soviet Times in Central Asia: Urban Life Through the Eyes of Old-Residents of Ferghana (Uzbekistan) and Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

Remembering the Soviet Times in Central Asia: Urban Life Through the Eyes of Old-Residents of Ferghana (Uzbekistan) and Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

10 jui 2014 10:00 - 13:00


101 rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 75006 Paris. Salle Alphonse Dupront (RDC au fond de la cour à droite).


Seminar "L'Asie centrale dans tous ses états : questions et méthodes"

Seminar organized by: Cloé Drieu, Stéphane Dudoignon, Carole Ferret, Isabelle Ohayon et Julien Thorez


Drawing on narratives of long-term residents of the two cities, this presentation investigates the ways in which positive memories of the Soviet past emerge when people speak about the urban environment and its recent transformation. Existing patterns of remembering will be conceptualized within the framework of “localized” and “de-localized” forms of memory. Presence and purpose of this “nostalgia” in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan will be explored from a number of different perspectives. In attempting to deepen an understanding of “why” such nostalgia exists, it will also be considered “what” elements of the past are most fondly remembered and “who” are the people and communities (for example, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic or professional groups) who remember particular elements of the Soviet past.

Les «co-ethniques» comme «étrangers». Les origines des conflits intergroupes dans le contexte des migrations de retour
01 février 2014 - 30 juin 2014
30 juin 2014
10 Jui 2014 13:00
Natalya Kosmarskaya
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Monde ou sans région