Accueil / flux-evenements / Context and Reasoning in Dialogue and Other Media

Context and Reasoning in Dialogue and Other Media

04 déc 2017 09:15 - 05 déc 2017 17:30
Institut d'études avancées de Paris
Hôtel de Lauzun
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Colloque organisé par Jonathan Ginzburg, Eimear Maguire, Chiara Mazzocconi, Vladislav Maraev, Ye Tian, Léo Zaradzki (LLF, Université Paris-Diderot), avec le soutien de l'Institut Universitaire de France et de l'Institut d'études avancées de Paris



In recent years, many approaches have been developed to represent the content and context of utterances in dialogue. These include logic-based approaches (e.g., inquisitive semantics and Inferential erotetic logic frameworks), discourse-based approaches (e.g., the framework of the segmented discourse representation theory (SDRT) ), linguistic dialogue frameworks (including the KoS and PTT frameworks), approaches based on probability theory (Bayesian semantics) and game theory, and on neural networks (Deep Learning).

The aim of this workshop is to explore what criteria can be used to choose between or more interestingly to integrate these approaches. These include psycholinguistic plausibility, linguistic coverage, computer implementation, logical transparency and the possibility of using the framework to represent non-linguistic media with content such as gesture, music, and visual media.

The workshop also constitutes the closing event of the ANR-DFG project Disfluencies, Exclamations, and Laughter in Dialogue (DUEL). Several talks will discuss the main results of the project and prospects raised.



Lundi 4 décembre

09h15   Accueil - Ouverture

09h30   How to play games with types
Robin Cooper (Gothenburg University)

10h30  Identity construction in dialogue: A game-theoretic approach
Heather Burnett (LLF, Paris-Diderot)

11h30  Pause

12h00   (TBA)
Nicholas Asher (IRIT, Toulouse)

13h00   Pause déjeuner

14h00   Um, what’s the word: Filled Pauses and Self-addressed Questions; Disfluency in German, French and Chinese dialogues
Ye Tian (LLF, Paris-Diderot & Amazon)

15h00   Deep Learning Approaches to Incremental Disfluency Detection
Julian Hough (Bielefeld University)

16h00   Pause

16h30   Question dependencies in view of erotetic logic
Andrzej Wisniewski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan)

17h30   Multi-floor dialogue and hybrid requests
David Traum (ICT, USC)

Mardi 5 décembre

09h30   Dialogical Learning and Maintenance of a Lexicon for Situated Interaction
David Schlangen (Bielefeld University)

10h30   What’s your laughter doing there?
Chiara Mazzocconi (LLF, Paris-Diderot)

11h30   Pause

12h00 From exemplification, through alignment to association: Aspects of iconic gesture meaning
Andy Lücking (Frankfurt University)

13h00   Pause déjeuner

14h00   Multimodal language use and comprehension in social interaction: the body is part of the package
Judith Holler (MPI, Nijmegen)

15h00   Music, speech and the relational dimension of interaction
Ian Cross (Cambridge University)

16h00   Pause

16h30   Gesture, Emotion and Interaction
Jonathan Ginzburg (LLF, Paris-Diderot)

17h30   Roundtable discussion

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05 Déc 2017 17:30
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