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The Brains that pull the Triggers. Paris Conference on Syndrome E

IEA de Paris, Hôtel de Lauzun, 17 quai d'Anjou, 75004 Paris
International interdisciplinary conference convened by Itzhak Fried, fellow of the Paris Institute for advanced Studies, with the support of Alain Berthoz, Collège de France.

The transformation of groups of previously nonviolent individuals into repetitive killers of defenseless members of society has been a recurring phenomenon throughout history. This special conference brought together scientists and scholars from the human, social and brain sciences along with guests from literature, politics, and law to bear upon this tragic invariant of the human condition.
Videos include speeches of Paris City Hall Representatives : Marie-Christine Lemardeley & Christophe Girard as well as Ministry of Research Representative Jacques Dubucs, and the conferences of : Christopher Browning ; Jacques Semelin ; Stephen Reicher ; Patrick Haggard ; Wolf Singer ; Eddie Hartmann ; James Stewart ; Alain Berthoz ; Lasana Harris ; Michael S. Gazzaniga and Itzhak Fried.


Marie-Christine Lemardeley (Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Research)


Itzhak Fried (Paris IAS/UCLA): “The Brains that Pull the Triggers. What is Syndrome E?”


Alain Berthoz (Collège de France): "Syndrome E and Plurality of Perspectives"


Christopher Browning (University of North Carolina): "The Elusive Holocaust Perpetrator"


Jacques Semelin (CNRS - Sciences Po): "Analysing Massacre to Understand the Genocidal Process"


Stephen Reicher (University of Standrews): "On Obedience, Choice and Accountability or Why Orders Don't Work"


Lasana Harris (University of Leiden): "Deshumanised Perception: A Psychological Mechanism that May Facilitate Human Atrocities"


Patrick Haggard (University College London): "Volition and Affect: How Do Positive, Negative, Right and Wrong Outcomes Influence Human Sense of Agency"


Wolf Singer (Mac Planck Institute for Brain Research): "The Coexistence of the Good and the Evil in a Single Brain: Phase Transitions in a Non-Linear Dynamical System?"


Etienne Koechlin (ENS Paris): “Neural Mechanisms of Rule Compliance in Humans”


Jacques Dubucs (Representative for the Ministry of Education and Research, Scientific Director for the Humanities and Social Science, Department of Research and Innovation)


Alain Berthoz (Collège de France): "Is Empathy Involved in Perpetrators Behavior?"


Luciano Fadiga (Univ. Ferrara): "Sharing to Communicate: Neurophysiological Mechanisms"


Julie Grèzes (ENS Paris): "To be or not to be Charlie? The impact of group affiliation on the processing of others' emitted social signals"


Eddie Hartmann (University of Potsdam): "Symbolic Boundaries and Collective Violence. Boundary Activation as a Key Mechanism of Collective Violent Behaviour"


Christophe Girard (Mayor of the 4e arrondissement of Paris)


Michael S. Gazzaniga (UCSB): “Beliefs and Brains: A Critical Balance”


James Stewart (International Criminal Court): "Responsibility and Punishment"

The Brains that Pull the Triggers
20 September 2014 - 20 October 2014
20 October 2014
International interdisciplinary conference convened by Itzhak Fried, fellow of the Paris Institute for advanced Studies, with the support of Alain Berthoz, Collège de France
28 Apr 2015 09:00
29 Apr 2015 17:30
The Brains that pull the Triggers. Paris Conference on Syndrome E