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Justice and Climate Transitions

Institut d’études avancées de Paris, Hôtel de Lauzun, 17 quai d’Anjou, Paris 75004
International workshop organized by Jeremy Moss, Chair in Political Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, and Larry Reynolds, Fellow of the Paris institute for Advanced Studies, program "Energy transition"

In the lead up to the 2015 UN Paris Climate Conference the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies has held an interdisciplinary conference on “Justice and Climate Transitions” organised with the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The Conference has brought together leading thinkers from philosophy, policy and the social sciences to examine the moral, social and political issues at stake in transition to a low carbon society. Panellists were invited to discuss how might we interpret and evaluate different transition pathways and low-carbon futures in terms of social justice. The aim was to present both philosophical and critical social scientific perspectives on these questions before bringing these into dialogue with each other.

Interventions recorded by Webcast.

Jeremy Moss (University of New South Wales, Sydney) - "Introduction: Justice and Climate Transitions"

John O'Neill (University of Manchester) - "Mapping climate disadvantage"

Darrel Moellendorf (University of Frankfurt) - "Can Dangerous Climate Change be Avoided?"

Simon Caney (Oxford University) - "Justice, Trusteeship and the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy: An integrated Approach"

Fabian Schuppert (Queen's University Belfast) - "Risk avoidance through transition, legitimate expectations and issues of justice"

Larry Reynolds (Paris Institute for Advanced Studies) - "Cities, Citizens and Social Justice in the Energy Transition"

Gordon Walker (University of Lancaster) - "Climate justice, energy demand and the right to energy"

Conrad Kunze (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Leipzig) - "Renewable Energy and new Public Ownership"

Table ronde autour les thématiques inégalités sociales, réactions face au changement ainsi que gouvernance et démocratie (document audio enregistré à l'auditorium de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris).

International workshop organized by Jeremy Moss, Chair in Political Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, and Larry Reynolds, Fellow of the Paris institute for Advanced Studies, program "Energy transition"
24 Sep 2015 09:00
25 Sep 2015 17:00
Justice and Climate Transitions