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Watch again the Work "Computational and algorithmic methods in human and social sciences"

IEA de Paris

Workshop coorganized by Walter Dean, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, 2022-2023 Paris IAS Fellow, and Alberto Naibo, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne & Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, in collaboration with the Paris IAS and the ANR project "The Geometry of Algorithms".


The notions of algorithm and mechanical computation have been a focus of investigation in logic and philosophy of mathematics since the 1930s as well as inspiring the founding of computer science in the 1950s.  On the other hand, recent developments in artificial intelligence and big data have required that we reconsider our understanding of the role which computational methods have come to play in our daily lives as well as the nature and scope of these methods themselves.   What were once regarded as foundational questions about the mathematical definability of algorithms and effective or feasible computation have thus come to have practical significance in the human and social sciences. The aim of this workshop is twofold.  We first aim to bring together researchers from subjects such as law, sociology, social choice theory, and economics which have a stake in these developments.   And second, we hope to explore whether there are indeed univocal notions of algorithm and computation studied in these fields or whether different notions are at play.

Vidos of the workshop 


Maël PEGNY, Does the social scientist need to understand the computation?

Luc PELLISSIER, Amendement, consolidation, codification : le texte juridique, un objet calculatoire?

Célia ZOLYNSKI, Du calcul du sujet à sa mise en pouvoir d'agir

Benedict EASTAUGH, Social choice in infinite societies

Jerôme LANG, Computational Social Choice

Algorithmic and complexity theoretic barriers to mathematical understanding
01 September 2022 - 30 June 2023
Workshop coorganized by Walter Dean, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick and Alberto Naibo, University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne & Institute of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
08 Jun 2023 09:30
08 Jun 2023 17:45
Computational and algorithmic methods in human and social sciences