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Mediterranean Diasporas. Politics and Ideas in the long 19th century

IEA de Paris
Table ronde organisée par Konstantina Zanou, résidente de l'IEA de Paris, et Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary, University of London)


Discuss with the editors:
Bernard Heyberger (EHESS),
Wolfgang Kaiser (Université Paris 1-Sorbonne)
Ali Yaycioglu (Stanford University)
Antonis Liakos (University of Athens)

Keith Baker (IEA Paris-Stanford University)

Book presentation

Mediterranean Diasporas looks at the relationship between displacement and the circulation of ideas within and from the Mediterranean basin in the long 19th century. In bringing together leading historians working on Southern Europe, the Balkans, and the Ottoman Empire for the first time, it builds bridges across national historiographies, raises a number of comparative questions and unveils unexplored intellectual connections and ideological formulations.

The book shows that in the so-called age of nationalism the idea of the nation state was by no means dominant, as displaced intellectuals and migrant communities developed notions of double national affiliations, imperial patriotism and liberal imperialism. By adopting the Mediterranean as a framework of analysis, the collection offers a fresh contribution to the growing field of transnational and global intellectual history, revising the genealogy of 19th-century nationalism and liberalism, and reveals new perspectives on the intellectual dynamics of the age of revolutions.

Global Italians: The Cesnola brothers between the Mediterranean and the Americas in the long 19th century
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016
30 June 2016
Table ronde organisée par K. Zanou, résidente de l'IEA de Paris, et M. Isabella (University of London)
21 Jan 2016 17:00
21 Jan 2016 19:00
Mediterranean Diasporas. Politics and Ideas in the long 19th century