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Watch again the WPRN21 Conference

Institut d'études avancées de Paris

WPRN21: Fostering collective intelligence for Covid impact research


On 9 and 10 December was held the #WPRN21 Conference, the first international forum for researchers and practitioners from all fields of expertise and backgrounds working on the human, economic and societal impacts of Covid-19, giving them the opportunity to present current projects, share and disseminate ideas and results, and establish links for future collaborations.

The WPRN21 conference is organised with the support of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.

Videos of the conference

Conference Welcome
With Saadi Lahlou (Paris IAS, London School of Economics and Political Science), Flore Gubert (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme) and Maxi Heitmayer, (Paris IAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, University College London).


Keynote: Raouf Boucekkine
Economic epidemiology put to the test of the Covid-19 crisis: some emerging ideas and approaches


Keynote: Xiaobo Zhang
The impact of COVID on SMEs in China based on multiple rounds of surveys before and after the shock


Keynote:  Ted Loch-Temzelides
COVID‑19 and the value of safe transport in the United States


Keynote:  Elisa Reis
Social Cohesion, Inequality, and the Pandemic: Lessons from Brazil


Keynote: Marc Fleurbaey
Trading off lives and livelihoods in an ethical way, considering the apparent clash of interests between generations


Keynote: Bennett Kleinberg
Emotional responses to the pandemic through the lens of text data


Closing Panel: Moving the discussion forward  lessons learned and next steps
With Helga Nowotny (ETH Zurich), Saadi Lahlou (Paris IAS, London School of Economics and Political Science), Olivier Bouin (Network for French Institutes of Advanced Study, European Alliance for SSH) and Maxi Heitmayer (Paris IAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, University College London).
