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Assessing Territorial Resilience: Indicators and Tools for Governance

IEA de Paris
International online conference organized by the Paris IAS, EIVP, with the support of the City of Paris.


Capitalizing on academic expertise and field experience for public policy assessment.
Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that resilience at all levels is an absolute necessity. Faced with not only pandemics but many other risks, today and in the near future, public and private actors must act and invest towards this objective.

​The Paris IAS, the EIVP and the City of Paris have been cooperating since October 2019 on a "Resilience and Territorial Innovation" cycle. Monthly events have been organized on this multidimensional theme, bringing together academics, local authorities and practitioners from diverse fields. On 15th-17th July, all types of actors were invited to reflect together on a particularly important topic.

Baseline evaluation, monitoring and steering, and impact assessment are crucial but complex processes, especially in projects of territorial innovations for resilience. The "Assessing territorial resilience" international conference featured keynotes by experts of various disciplines as well as stakeholder case studies to take stock of existing knowledge and share best practices.


Official Opening of the conference
With Saadi Lahlou, director of the Paris IAS, Youssef Diab, director of EIVP, and Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of higher education, student life and research


Why and how we co-created the Resilience AssessmentFramework, a diagnosis tool for cities and strategic sectors
by Maria Adriana Cardoso, researcher at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering of Portugal, Maria João Telhado, Head of Environment and Energy, Municipality of Lisbon


Round table ‘‘Baseline assessment and stocktaking’’
with Kathy Oldham, Chief Resilience Officer, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Nicolas Imbert, Executive Director, Green Cross France et Territoires, Philippine de Lattre, volunteer, Les Greniers de l’Abondance


‘New indicators of wealth for resilient societies‘‘
By Dominique Méda, philosopher and sociologist, professor at the University Paris Dauphine, with Félicien Pagnon, researcher at IDDRI and PhD candidate at the University Paris Dauphine


“Resilience frameworks and science communication to Build Back Better“
By Mark Pelling, geographer, professor at King’s College


Round table “Monitoring and steering”
With David Jácome-Pólit, Resilience Advisor, Municipality of QuitoJulie Chabaud and Coline Rande, Head of Agenda21 and Policy Officer, Department of Gironde, Cédissia About, Head of Innovation and Sustainable Construction, City of Paris


‘Poverty, inequalities and resilience: reflections on the World Bank’s indicators’’
By Stéphane Hallegatte, senior Economist at the World Bank, Julie Rozenberg, senior economist at the World Bank


Assessing Resilience: Work in Progress
With Marc Vuillet, Assistant professor, EIVP and Lab’Urba, Rebecca-Valéry Dorcéus, Project manager, Rouge Vif territoires, Mélanie Eck, PhD candidate, CEE (Sciences Po Paris) and Algoé Consultants


Round table “Impact assessment, ex-ante and ex-post”
With Morgane Colombert, R&D Project Manager, Efficacity, and Thomas Delahais, Evaluator, Quadrant Conseil


‘‘Lessons learned from COVID-19: how public policy can help build people’s emotional preparedness and resilience’’
By Serge Tisseron, psychologist and psychiatrist, associate researcher at the University Paris-Diderot


Conclusions and closing statements
With the participation of Célia Blauel, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Foresight Paris 2030 and Resilience
