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Ioulia Podoroga

Geneva University
Powers of abstraction. Circulation of the concept of the abstract, in relation to Kandinsky (France, Germany, Russia)
01 October 2016 - 30 June 2017

Ioulia Podoroga is a philosopher, research assistant in the Russian department at the Geneva University. Her field of expertise lies in the area of French philosophy, Henri Bergson (PhD) and aesthetics (post-doc). She specializes, in particular, in art and literary theories of the Russian avant-garde and is interested in how some philosophical concepts are appropriated, instrumentalized and transformed in those theories. She is co-responsible for the research project funded by Swiss National Science foundation : « Concepts philosophiques en littérature et théorie de l’art en Russie (1910-1940). Transferts et transformations interdisciplinaires ».
She has held research and teaching positions at the Universities of Mainz and Humboldt University (Berlin), Columbia (USA) and Sorbonne and was awarded prestigious fellowships.

Research interests

Migrations of philosophical concepts; interactions between philosophy and arts; Russian art and literature of the 20th century; contemporary philosophy and aesthetics

Powers of abstraction. Circulation of the concept of the abstract, in relation to Kandinsky (France, Germany, Russia)

This project examines the concept of abstract as it was formulated and put into practice by Vassily Kandinsky in his theoretical writings on art. However it does not aim at following solely the evolution of this concept throughout his work or at identifying its theoretical origins; this research has been already carried out over the past few years. Drawing on the latest discoveries, it focuses rather on the idea that the concept of abstraction enjoys a vast expansion and circulation in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century.
At the center of those circulations and transfers Vassily Kandinsky plays a role of catalyst and his theoretical work will be envisaged here as a point of condensation and fermentation of the concept of abstract. It is at the same time a destination point, because Kandinsky undergoes the influence of antecedent reflexions on abstraction and the abstract art, and a starting point, because the abstract contents which he gives to the abstract term, in connection with his artistic practice, will boost debates on abstraction in new directions.

Key publications

Penser en durée. Bergson au fil de ses images, Lausanne, L’Age d’homme, 2014.

« How Does Art Think ? (Post)philosophical Poetry of Boris Pasternak », Russian Literature, vol. 78, n° 3-4, 1 oct. – 15 nov. 2015, p. 537-560.

« Un anti-système des arts. Musique, philosophie et poésie chez Boris Pasternak », Laval Théologique et Philosophique, vol. 71, n° 2 (juin 2015), p. 247-265.

« Temps ressenti » et « temps construit » dans les littératures russe et française au XXe siècle, dir. avec J.-Ph. Jaccard, Paris, Kimé, 2013.

Plus de publications

Conference organized by I. Podoroga (Lettres Sorbonne Université / Eur’ORBEM / CERCEC (EHESS / CNRS) / Paris IAS 2016-2017) and L. Jurgenson (Lettres Sorbonne Université / Eur’ORBEM / CERCEC (EHESS / CNRS)), with the support of the Paris IAS
15 Nov 2018 09:15 -
15 Nov 2018 18:00,
Paris :
Les concepts en déplacement : la littérature russe face à la philosophie et aux sciences sociales
Round table organized by I. Podoroga, 2016-2017 Paris IAS fellow
31 May 2018 17:00 -
31 May 2018 19:00,
Paris :
Texte et image : pourquoi parler philosophiquement d’abstraction artistique ?
Workshop organized by I. Podoroga (Paris IAS fellow), with the support of the Centre Jean Pépin (ENS)
07 Jun 2017 10:00 -
07 Jun 2017 18:00,
Paris :
Traduire l’image / dépasser le langage. Art(s), littérature et philosophie
20 May 2017 16:30 -
20 May 2017 17:30,
Paris :
Pavel Filonov et l’avant-garde russe : méthode et pratiques de ‘l’art analytique’
13 Nov 2016 13:00 -
13 Nov 2016 15:00,
Osaka :
Fragility of the Present. Bergson and Aesthetic Experience

Contemporary period (1789-…)
World or no region