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Yang Huang

Fudan University, Shanghai
Beyond the Edges of Empires: Views of the Other in Ancient China
01 April 2017 - 30 June 2017

Yang Huang is Professor of Ancient History and Chair of the Department of History at Fudan University, Shanghai. He began teaching at Fudan after receiving a PhD in Classics from King’s College London in 1991. In 2009 he joined Peking University and founded a Centre for Classical Studies there before moving back to Fudan in 2013. He was Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard University in 2007-08 and a fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, in 2013-14.

Research interests

Greek social and political history; Greek and Chinese ideas of the ‘barbarians’

Beyond the Edges of Empires: Views of the Other in Ancient China

The project attempts to study the idea of the ‘barbarian’ in ancient China and the Mediterranean world in a comparative perspective. The Chinese idea of the ‘barbarian’ bears striking similarity to that of the Greeks. Yet its imperial political system is more similar to that of Rome (or ancient Iran). This makes an interesting double comparison. The study focuses on comparative analysis of Chinese and Greek ideas of the ‘barbarian’ and Chinese and Roman attitudes toward ‘barbarians’. It is hoped that the study will enable us to reexamine in a critical way such issues as ethnic identity, acculturation and imperialism.

Key publications

A Study on Landownership in Ancient Greece (in Chinese), Fudan University Press, 1995.

Ancient and Medieval World History (co-author with Zhao Lihang and Jin Shoufu, in Chinese), Fudan University Press, 2005.

An Introduction to Research in Greek History (co-author with Yan Shaoxiang, in Chinese), Peking University Press, 2009.

Studies on Politics and Society in Ancient Greece (in Chinese), Peking University Press, 2014.

Workshop organized by Y. Huang (Paris IAS) and A. Dan (Labex TransferS, CNRS- ENS Paris)
23 Jun 2017 09:00 -
23 Jun 2017 18:30,
Paris :
“Barbarians” in Ancient Civilizations

Workshop organized by Yang Huang (Paris IAS) and Anca Dan (Labex TransferS, CNRS- ENS Paris), with the support of the Paris IAS, Labex TransferS
Antiquity (3500 BCE – 476 CE)
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