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Konstantina Zanou

Columbia University
Global Italians: The Cesnola brothers between the Mediterranean and the Americas in the long 19th century
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016

Konstantina Zanou is joining Columbia University in Fall 2016 as an Assistant Professor of Italian, specializing in Mediterranean Studies. She has previously held fellowships and taught at the University of Nicosia, New York University, Centre for Advanced Studies Sofia Bulgaria, Queen Mary University of London and Université Paris-Est Créteil. She has just completed a book titled Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1830: Stammering the Nation, which is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.

Research interests

Intellectual history; exile and nationalism in 19th century Mediterranean and Europe.

Key publications

Mediterranean Diasporas: Politics and Ideas in the Long Nineteenth Century (co-ed.), Bloomsbury, 2015.
Andrea Mustoxidi : nostalgie, poésie populaire et philhellénisme, Philhellénismes et transferts culturels dans l’Europe du XIXe siècle, Revue Germanique Internationale, 2005.
Nostalgia, self-exile and the national idea: The case of Andrea Mustoxidi and the early-19th-century Heptanesians of Italy, Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

This project explores the fascinating and truly global lives of two brothers: Luigi and Alessandro Palma di Cesnola (1832–1904 and 1840–1914). Born into an impoverished Italian noble family in Piedmont, Luigi and Alessandro spent time in several corners of the globe (Russia, the United States, Latin America, the Ottoman Empire), transforming themselves from international fighters to explorers and from diplomats to archeologists and merchants of antiquities. The project aspires to produce a book which will straddle the boundaries between biography, family stories and global history, offering an account of Southern Europe, the Ottoman Mediterranean, and their transatlantic interconnections in the long nineteenth century, through an exchange between a micro- and a macro-historical point of view. It also combines cultural, economic, and political history, in order to study the emergence of archeology at the intersection of nationalism, imperialism and financial speculation. Finally, it is a project that aspires to explore the subtle frontier between international fighting, adventurism, diplomacy and business.

09 Jan 2020 16:30 -
09 Jan 2020 16:30,
Konstantina Zanou, 2015-2016 Paris IAS Fellow receives the 2019 Marraro Prize in Italian History by the Society for Italian Historical Studies (SIHS).
Communication de K. Zanou (résidente de l'IEA de Paris)
19 May 2016 19:30 -
19 May 2016 20:30,
Limassol :
National poets stammering the nation: Foscolo, Kalvos and Solomos
03 May 2016 10:00 -
03 May 2016 13:00,
Venise :
People and their ideas in the Mediterranean during the long 19th Century. Main theses and findings of “Mediterranean Diasporas” (2015)
Communication de K. Zanou (résidente de l'IEA de Paris)
21 Mar 2016 18:00 -
21 Mar 2016 18:15,
Athènes :
The first Greek state in the arms of Russia
Communication de K. Zanou (résidente de l'IEA de Paris)
09 Mar 2016 16:00 -
09 Mar 2016 18:00,
Pavie :
Mediterranean Diasporas
Table ronde organisée par K. Zanou, résidente de l'IEA de Paris, et M. Isabella (University of London)
21 Jan 2016 17:00 -
21 Jan 2016 19:00,
Paris :
Mediterranean Diasporas. Politics and Ideas in the long 19th century
Communication de Konstantina Zanou, résidente de l'IEA de Paris
09 Jan 2016 14:30 -
09 Jan 2016 16:30,
Atlanta :
Writing Greek History in the 21st Century
08 Jan 2016 10:30 -
08 Jan 2016 12:00,
Atlanta :
Neither Empires nor Nations: Small states and Protectorates in the Mediterranean in the long nineteenth century (2)
14 Nov 2015 14:15 -
14 Nov 2015 12:15,
Nicosie :
Philhellene, Greek and Exile: Mario Pieri and the Greek Revolution from the Italian shores
Table ronde organisée par Konstantina Zanou, résidente de l'IEA de Paris, et Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary, University of London)
Contemporary period (1789-…)
World or no region