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Chantal Marazia

European University Viadrina Frankfurt
Anatomies of Gesture. Towards a History of the Tic
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016
History, philosophy and sociology of science

After a degree in philosophy, Chantal Marazia earned a DEA in History of Medicine at the University of Geneva, and a PhD in History of Science at the University of Bari on Ludwig Binswanger. She specialized in the history of psychiatry and the history of neurosciences more widely, during her postdoctoral experiences in Tuebingen, Lugano, London (Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine), Frankfurt a.O and Paris. She received a Humboldt Stipendium and the Research in Paris fellowship. She translated several books and scientific texts and co-edited the Binswanger - Aby Warburg letters (Die Unendliche Heilung, Diaphanes, 2007)

Research interests

History of medicine (18th – 20th c.); history of psychiatry and neurology; history of neurosciences.

Key publications

Die unendliche Heilung: Aby Warburgs Krankengeschichte, (Co-ed.) Diaphanes, 2007.

Vere utopie o castelli in aria? La clinica Bellevue di Kreuzlingen (1856-1910), in Lo sguardo psichiatrico. Studi e materiali dalle cartelle cliniche fra Otto e Novecento, Bruno Mondadori, 2009.

“Un piccolo flagello dell’umanità”. Note sul termine ‘tic’, Medicina nei Secoli, 3, 2009.

Philosophical Whitewashing. Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) and the Sterilisation of Manic-depressive Patients, Medizinhistorisches Journal, 4, 2011.

Movement disorders have recently attracted great attention from the human sciences. The bulk of the scholarship, however, has confined itself to the most spectacular and apparently prototypical instances, most notably the Tourette syndrome, while paying only cursory attention to the wider domain of tics. My project aims at filling this gap, by focusing on the history of this phenomenon in the Nineteenth Century. The great resemblance of the tic with a whole series of neurological and psychical phenomena made it a central element for the development of neurology, which had in Paris, and especially in the Salpêtrière school, its center. Nevertheless, the tic has never been only a strictly medical entity, but has lived many lives of its own in the wider socio-cultural context. Outside the strictly medical discourse, the word is used to signify a strange habit, a fancy or caprice. My research focuses on this common connotation of the term.
This perspective calls for a wider approach, implying, besides the analysis of the scientific knowledge and theories of the time, also a reconstruction of the representation of the tic in literature and in the press.

Communication de C. Marazia (résidente de l'IEA de Paris)
08 Apr 2016 11:00 -
08 Apr 2016 12:30,
Bonn :
Patientenmorde in Europa, Vernichtungskrieg und Holocaust
10 Feb 2016 09:45 -
10 Feb 2016 10:30,
Paris :
La révolution thérapeutique entre psychiatrie biologique et psychiatrie anthropologique
Communication de Chantal Marazia, résidente de l'IEA de Paris
30 Oct 2015 12:00 -
30 Oct 2015 13:30,
Heidelberg :
Französische Psychiatrie in den 1940er und 1950er Jahren

Contemporary period (1789-…)
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