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Jim House

University of Leeds
Shantytowns and the City: colonial power relations in Algiers and Casablanca, 1920-1962
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016

Jim House is a historian, Senior Lecturer in French, head of Research for French at the University of Leeds (UK). He has received grants from the British Academy and is internationally recognized for the co-authored book Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror, and Memory (Oxford University Press, 2006).

Research areas

History of colonial shantytowns; urban colonial governance (Algeria, Morocco, France); the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962) and postcolonial memories; political, social and cultural history of colonial and postcolonial migrations to France and their representation in political and social discourses (from 1919 to today ); history of antiracism, anti-colonialism and racism in France since 1890.

Key publications

Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror, and Memory, (co-auth. Neil MacMaster), Oxford University Press, 2006.
Also in French : Paris 1961. Les Algériens, la mémoire et la terreur d’Etat, Taillandier, 2008, and in Arabic).

L’impossible contrôle d’une ville coloniale ? Casablanca, décembre 1952, Genèses, Sciences sociales et histoire, no.86, 2012.

Shanty-towns and the disruption of colonial order in late-colonial Algiers and Casablanca, (co-auth. A. S. Thompson), Francophone Cultures and Geographies of Identity, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013.

Decolonisation, space and power: immigration, welfare and housing in Britain and France, 1945-1974, Writing Imperial Histories, Manchester University Press, 2013.

Focusing on shantytowns, this project aims to show how and why both colonialism and anti-colonialism were keenly inscribed within urban space, and it centers on a comparison of Algiers and Casablanca, the most politically important late-imperial North African cities. It argues that we need to pay more attention to how colonial urban power relations are imposed, experienced, contested and remembered at local level, and that a comparative framework can help us see wider patterns usually lost in colonial-specific studies and national / nationalist histories. Placing shantytowns at the analytical centre allows for a radically different and socially-inclusive perspective: these areas constitute an unparalleled vantage point from which to analyse colonial migrations, re-housing and repression, everyday lived experience, anti-colonial resistance and social memory, the main analytical strands of the Oxford University Press monograph that will result from this project. Comparing case studies of the best-known shantytowns in both cities - Carrières centrales (Casablanca) and Mahieddine (Algiers) - this project also situates their respective histories within city, colony and empire. The approach is inter-disciplinary, combining urban, social and political history with sociology, migration and memory studies.

Communication de J. House, résident à l'IEA de Paris, donnée dans le cadre du séminaire "Pour une histoire sociale de l'Algérie colonisée"
06 Apr 2016 11:35 -
06 Apr 2016 00:00,
Paris :
La Cité Mahieddine à Alger : un quartier populaire en situation coloniale, 1941-1962
02 Apr 2016 19:00 -
02 Apr 2016 00:00,
Paris :
Démocratie locale et vivre ensemble. Conflits, mobilisations… et solutions ?
05 Feb 2016 13:45 -
05 Feb 2016 15:30,
Villeneuve-d'Ascq :
Les séquelles de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne à Paris et à Alger : quelques exemples de contestation de la marginalisation mémorielle
Journées d'étude en hommage à Fanny Colonna, organisées par Emmanuel Blanchard (UVSQ, CESDIP) et Augustin Jomier (Fondation Thiers CERHIO) avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris, et la participation de Jim House, résident à l'IEA de Paris
19 Nov 2015 11:35 -
20 Nov 2015 11:35,
Paris :
Lectures et pratiques des Versets de l'Invincibilité
Communication de Jim House, résident à l'IEA de Paris, dans le cadre du colloque "Approches comparées en situation coloniale", organisé par le CRASC de Constantine
18 Oct 2015 11:45 -
19 Oct 2015 11:45,
Constantine :
Des violences coloniales dans leur contexte urbain : Alger, Casablanca, Paris
Intervention de Jim House, résident à l'IEA de Paris, dans le cadre des journées de débats, rencontres et exposition autour du souvenir du massacre du 17 octobre 1961 à Paris
16 Oct 2015 11:45 -
16 Oct 2015 22:00,
Villetaneuse :
Meurtres d’octobre - Temps mémoriels autour du souvenir du massacre du 17 octobre 1961 à Paris
Séminaire de recherche organisé par Jim House, résident à l'IEA de Paris, Emmanuel Blanchard, et Sylvie Thénault, avec le soutien du CESDIP (UMR 8183) et du CHS (UMR 8058)
07 Oct 2015 17:00 -
15 Jun 2016 19:00,
Paris :
Pour une histoire sociale de l'Algérie colonisée

Africa4, Libération
Contemporary period (1789-…)
North Africa, Middle East