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Itzhak Fried

University of California LA / Tel Aviv University
The Brains that Pull the Triggers
20 September 2014 - 20 October 2014

The problem of free will has accompanied the human condition since ancient times but has been primarily the province of philosophy. The vast and rapid developments in neuroscience over the last few decades provide some interesting empirical data and potential insights into this problem. Tantalizing empirical data in neuroscience, some from our research at UCLA using electrical stimulation and recordings from the human brain, suggest that specific brain activity is present prior to not only action itself, but also prior to the will to act. Thus “free” will can be decoded and predicted from neural activity prior to volition experienced by the self. These new data pose challenges to the humanities and social sciences, philosophy, literature law, politics. Two central themes bear special scrutiny. One is the consideration of mind enhancement as compared to mind reading and mind control potentially afforded by scientific knowledge. The second is the issue of individual responsibility in the view of seemingly deterministic preconscious brain activity. In this project I propose to bring experts in these disciplines to an Atelier environment to produce interdisciplinary synthesis involving perspectives from the fields of neuroscience, philosophy, social sciences, psychology and literature, law and politics

Conference organized by I. Fried (UCLA / Tel-Aviv University) as part of the Paris IAS Brain, Culture & Society Program
06 Jun 2019 09:00 -
07 Jun 2019 13:00,
Paris :
Sleep and Memory
International conference convened by I.Fried (Paris IAS / UCLA / Tel Aviv U.) and A. Berthoz (Collège de France)
10 May 2017 09:00 -
12 May 2017 13:00,
Paris :
The Brains that Pull the Triggers - 3rd Paris Conference on Syndrome E
International conference organized by I.Fried (UCLA / Paris IAS), A. Berthoz (Collège de France) and G. Mirdal (director of the Paris IAS)
09 May 2016 09:00 -
10 May 2016 18:30,
Paris :
The Brains that Pull the Triggers - 2nd Paris Conference on Syndrome E
International interdisciplinary conference convened by Itzhak Fried, fellow of the Paris Institute for advanced Studies, with the support of Alain Berthoz, Collège de France
28 Apr 2015 09:00 -
29 Apr 2015 17:30,
Paris :
The Brains that pull the Triggers. Paris Conference on Syndrome E
Conférence au 'Nobel Forum' de Itzhak Fried, résident à l'IEA de Paris
19 Feb 2015 16:30 -
19 Feb 2015 18:30,
Stockholm (Solna) :
Neuromodulation of human memory: From single neuron recordings to clinical intervention
14 Oct 2014 15:00 -
14 Oct 2014 15:00,
Paris :
Enhancement of Human Memory: Single neuron recordings and stimulation in the medial temporal lobe
Atelier interdisciplinaire organisé par Itzhak Fried, résident à l'IEA de Paris
06 Oct 2014 09:30 -
06 Oct 2014 16:00,
Paris :
Free will and the brain
International conference organized by Itzhak Fried (UCLA / Paris IAS), Alain Berthoz (Collège de France) and Gretty Mirdal (director of the Paris IAS).
International interdisciplinary conference convened by Itzhak Fried, fellow of the Paris Institute for advanced Studies, with the support of Alain Berthoz, Collège de France.
Contemporary period (1789-…)
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