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Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa

Federal University of Santa Catarina
Africa under German colonial rule : Connecting Histories
01 October 2013 - 30 June 2014

Silvio Marcus De Souza Correa est professeur d'histoire à l'Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brésil) et a été chercheur invité à l'INRS du Québec (2005) et à l'IICT à Lisbonne (2013). Ses derniers travaux portent sur l'histoire de l'Afrique à l'époque coloniale et l'histoire des savoirs et des réseaux savants au XIXe siècle. Il est coordinateur du projet de recherche "L'Afrique et les Africains dans les caricatures" et du Laboratoire d'études en histoire de l'Afrique (LEHAf), département d'histoire de l'UFSC.

The project proposed here will discuss the German colonial experiences in a few regions of Africa through a historical research on several sources collected over the past three years from universities, libraries and public as well as private archives in Brazil, Germany and Namibia. The research aims to study the ecological and cultural adaptation of Germans in tropical and subtropical regions as well as the relationship between Overseas German communities and African peoples. The research will focus on the ecological impact of the colonial economy in the various ecosystems of Equatorial Africa, East Africa and South-West Africa (now Namibia). By means of a connected histories approach and a global perspective, this research aims at understanding the circulation and sharing of German colonial experiences and its relationship to other colonial experiences.


Workshop organized by S. M. de Souza Correa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina / LEHAf) and D. Nativel (Paris Diderot / CESSMA), with the support of the Paris IAS
15 Feb 2019 09:30 -
15 Feb 2019 17:30,
Paris :
Regards et images du corps en situation (post)coloniale
Talks by S. de Souza Correa and E. Berger, 2013-2014 Paris IAS fellows
27 Apr 2017 10:20 -
27 Apr 2017 13:00,
Florianópolis :
Histórias Cruzadas
Conférence de Silvio Marcus de Sousa Correa, résident à l'IEA de Paris
21 Mar 2014 15:00 -
21 Mar 2014 17:00,
Lisboa :
A Partilha do Gorila
Talk by Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa (Paris IAS fellow)
19 Feb 2014 11:15 -
19 Feb 2014 11:45,
Francfort-sur-le-Main :
Leo Frobenius et les études africaines au Brésil
Journée d'étude organisée par Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa, résident à l'IEA de Paris, et Christine de Gemeaux
14 Feb 2014 09:00 -
14 Feb 2014 17:30,
Paris :
Le Second Empire allemand et ses colonies en Afrique
Lecture by Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa (Paris IAS fellow)
04 Nov 2013 17:00 -
04 Nov 2013 19:00,
Paris :
Le « danger allemand » aux frontières de l’empire portugais en Afrique
Contemporary period (1789-…)