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Piotr Tylus

University of Cracow, Poland
The spirituality of the laity in the late Middle Ages – on the basis of legendaries
01 January 2013 - 30 June 2013

Piotr Tylus is a Medievalist and a Philologist. He is Professor at the Faculty of Philology of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He defended his PhD thesis in 2000, and his Habilitation thesis in 2008. His main areas of interest are medieval French literature, the history of the French language, and the manuscript tradition of medieval and modern French texts. He is the founding director of the FIBULA research group, with which he analysed Romance language manuscripts held in the Berlinka Collection at the Jagiellonian Library. He has been a fellow of the Mellon Foundation, as well as the Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. He is the author or co-author of eight books, including notably: Histoire de la Reine Berthe et du Roy Pepin, mise en prose d’une chanson de geste, critical edition by Piotr Tylus, Textes Littéraires Français 536, Droz, Geneva 2001; Les manuscrits médiévaux français et occitans de la Preussische Staatsbibliothek et de la Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz, described by Dominique Stutzmann and Piotr Tylus, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007; Légendes dominicaines dans la littérature française médiévale. Tradition manuscrite, transformations, diffusion, accueil, Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow 2007; Une légende de saint Dominique en moyen français. Étude du texte accompagnée de son édition critique, avec notes, glossaire et index des noms propres, “Fibula IV”, Krakow 2012.

Numerous studies have been published in recent decades on medieval spirituality, including the spirituality of the laity in the late Middle Ages, but the approach in the current project is innovative.


The research will focus on medieval legendaries in French, mostly adaptations of Latin legendaries. Legendaries written in the vernacular were aimed at the laity, and thus enriched their spirituality, both forming it, and reflecting it. The aim of the research will be to present this reflection of the spirituality of the laity as seen in the legendaries. The focus will be on unpublished legendaries, all but one of which are preserved in manuscript only. The research will address the following issues: the audience of the examined legendaries; the selection of saints, corresponding to the audience’s spiritual practices (with special focus on local saints); modifications to the content of the legends (to meet the needs of their lay audience); and the context (which has significance) in which the hagiographic legends appear (mystical texts, prayers, etc.).


Research into late medieval spirituality of the laity on the basis of legendaries will be carried out from the point of view of current theories, which will be complemented or modified as a result.

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Middle ages