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Danièle Joly

Women of Muslim Background and Politics in Britain and France
01 October 2011 - 05 May 2012
Danièle Joly is a professor at the University of Warwick and the director of the Centre for Ethnic Relations (CRER). She obtained a Licence ès Lettres from the University of Nanterre in France and a master's degree in Industrial Relations from the University of La Sorbonne. She earned a PhD from the University of Aston and a D.Litt from the University of Warwick. She has published on Muslim populations in Britain, on ethnic relations and on refugees in Europe. She is author of L'Emeute (2007), Muslims in Prison (2005), Blacks and Britannity (2001), Haven or Hell: Asylum Policy and Refugees in Europe (1996), Britannia's Crescent: Making a Place for Muslims in British Society (1995), Refugees: Asylum in Europe (1992) and The French Communist Party and the Algerian War (1991). She is editor of International Migration in the New Millennium (2004), Global Convergence in Asylum Regimes (2001), Scapegoats and Social Actors (1998), and co-editor of Immigrant Associations in Europe (1987) and of Reluctant Hosts: Europe and its Refugees (1989). She is an active member of various European networks of researchers on refugees and asylum and on Muslims in Europe. Her areas of expertise include Muslims in Europe, refugees and asylum policy in Europe, ethnic relations and integration.
The research project examines the civic and political participation and the activism of women of Muslim background through a comparison of two countries: Britain and France. It looks at ways in which Muslim women interact with state and civil society’s institutions, within the specific political cultures and structures of the countries under study. It explores their capacity to reconstitute themselves as social actors whilst articulating their position as women, ethnic minorities, and Muslims. It will present a sociological profile of these women in the two countries. It studies the arena within which they stage their action: in their own groups and in their interface with British and French society. It analyses their positioning vis-à-vis the burning question of the hijab and radical Islam. This project leads an in-depth research which includes a strong empirical thrust: archival and documentary research, a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire designed according to the Audit of Political Engagement in Britain (MORI), about one hundred qualitative interviews with the women one third of which occupy leading positions, interviews with relevant policy-makers, participant-observation in associations and sociological intervention. It elaborates on theoretical dimensions in the light of new original data.
Prize received by D. Joly (2011-2012 Paris IAS fellow) for her book "La participation civique et politique des femmes de culture musulmane en Europe"
16 Apr 2019 00:00 -
16 Apr 2019 00:00,
Nottingham :
Danièle Joly wins the W.J.M. Mackenzie Book Prize 2019
Round table organized by D. Joly, 2011-2012 Paris IAS fellow
22 Oct 2018 16:00 -
22 Oct 2018 18:30,
Paris :
La participation civique et politique des femmes de culture musulmane en Europe
12 Mar 2018 18:00 -
12 Mar 2018 20:00,
Paris :
La participation civique et politique des femmes de culture musulmane en Europe
14 May 2012 00:00 -
14 May 2012 00:00,
Paris :
Emeutes anglaises de l’été 2011 vs émeutes françaises de l’automne 2005
01 Dec 2011 17:00 -
01 Dec 2011 19:00,
Valence :
A Muslim Paradigm of Participation in France and Britain
18 May 2011 09:00 -
18 May 2011 18:00,
Paris :
Participation civique et politique des femmes de culture musulmane en France et en Grande-Bretagne
Contemporary period (1789-…)