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Christopher Sorensen

GreenLab Innovation Foundation, Denmark (writing residency)
The value of value: reframing the meaning of success
01 September 2024 - 30 September 2024

Christopher Sorensen has been working with regional development, education and intelligent systems since the 1990's. He is currently the founding CEO of GreenLab and Chairperson of the GreenLab Innovation Foundation, which form a platform for mission-driven research to commercial scale demonstration, of integrated clean energy and green industry hubs. The program includes a broad portfolio from "bio-value" to wind and solar energy, CCUS, circular products and green hydrogen facilities.

In September 2024, he joins the IAS for a one-month writing residency.

Research Interests

Green transition, Energy systems, Industrial ecosystems, Social structures, Decision frameworks

The value of value: reframing the meaning of success

As public and private entities choose how to implement the green transition in time to effect positive change in our lifetime, many large-scale systemic developments will be approved or rejected based on status quo metrics formed to maintain sector-based monopolies. This interdisciplinary study will explore the evaluation framework for measuring socio-economic and commercial development, and whether new frames of reference should be applied to measure success.

