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Lucia Shimbo

São Paulo University (USP), Brazil (FIAS Program)
The production of value in built and unbuilt environments: Towards planetary financialization?
01 September 2024 - 30 June 2025
Architecture and spatial planning

Dr. Lucia Shimbo is an architect and urban planner, currently working as an associate professor at the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) and as a fellow researcher funded by Brazil's Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Her research is dedicated to studying the practices and instruments of the actors who contribute to the production of value in the built environment. The first axis of her research aims to articulate the state, the real estate sector, and finance by mobilizing debates on public policy and financialization. The second axis concerns the production of housing and the construction sector, considering its financing circuits and technological innovations in the management of construction companies. She has participated in several international research projects on housing and urban financialization, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation, French National Centre for Scientific Research, and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. She was also a research fellow at the Collegium de Lyon (2018-2019).

In September 2024, she joins the Paris IAS as part of the French Institutes for advanced Study fellowship program - FIAS  - co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945408. Her fellowship also benefits from the support of the RFIEA+ LABEX, with a national funding (Grant ANR-11-LABX-0027-01).

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Research Interests

Housing; Real estate finance; Urban politics; Construction sector 

The production of value in built and unbuilt environments: Towards planetary financialization?

This research proposal is dedicated to exploring the relationship between the production of space and financialization. Its main goal is to develop, test and share a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding planetary financialization. This working hypothesis suggests that financialization leads to a homogenization and standardization of investment vehicles, practices, and calculative devices influencing the creation of various commodities and assets across diverse economic sectors (such as real estate, agriculture, mining, forestry etc.). Essentially, the contemporary production of space and environment shares increasingly common financial infrastructures, often circulating among different places and economic sectors. However, while investment practices may exhibit more uniformity, the actual outcomes on spaces and human life are inherently unequal both spatially and socially. To check this hypothesis, some questions orient the present proposal: how are these spaces and environments resulting from planetary financialization characterized? Who are the actors? What are the practices and instruments involved in the expansion of finance in the production of space? What are the local and global inequalities that these processes generate? What are the local resistance and the social movements fighting back?

Key Publications

Shimbo, L., Sanfelici, D. (2023) "Globalizing financial valuation: International property consultants in São Paulo", Finance and Society, 9: 35-53.

Bardet, F.; Shimbo, L. ; Carvalho, H. (Eds), Valua terra: Faire la valeur des environments. Lyon: Éditions 205, 2022. 376 p.

Shimbo, L. (2019) "An unprecedented alignment: state, finance, construction and housing production in Brazil since the 2000s." International Journal of Housing Policy, 19(3):337-353. https://doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2019.1573960

Intervention de Lucia Shimbo, Université de São Paulo, résidente 2024-2025 de l'IEA, dans le Master 2 Urbanisme et aménagement - Villes des Suds, de l’Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris (EUP), de l'Université Gustave Eiffel et l'Université Paris-Est Créteil
15 Nov 2024 09:30 -
15 Nov 2024 12:30,
La production urbaine par la promotion immobilière : des agents et instruments en Chine, Brésil, Mexique et Angola
De la terre rurale à l'actif financier : les frontières de la financiarisation dans les villes moyennes au Brésil
25 Oct 2024 09:30 -
25 Oct 2024 11:30,
Aubervilliers :
De la terre rurale à l'actif financier : les frontières de la financiarisation dans les villes moyennes au Brésil
