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Uichol Kim

Inha University, Incheon, Korea - (Writing Residency)
Understanding the software of the mind, co-creativity, and cultural transformations
01 January 2024 - 31 January 2024

Uichol Kim is a professor at Business School, Inha University, Korea. He is a social and cultural psychologist conducting research on the software of the mind, creativity, and culture and how they influence the human developmental, values, achievement, health, happiness, and trust.  

In January 2024, he joins the IAS for a one-month writing residency.

Research Interests

Software of the mind, self, culture, creativity, happiness, success.

Understanding the software of the mind, co-creativity, and cultural transformations

The basic assumption about reality lays the foundation for understanding it, and for understanding the algorithm adopted for the theory, concept, and method. In medieval Europe, the Catholic Church provided a unified theory, held the power to define it, and thus had the power to control people’s lives. The Cartesian duality of separating the rational mind from the biological body allowed the separation of church and state, and allowed science to flourish. In East Asia, humans are defined as 人 (“human between”) and assume relationship and compassion as basic foundations of this definition. Research in paleoanthropology, genetics, and neurobiology point out to the limitations of the biological and mechanical models in explaining human mind and behavior. Albert Bandura documented the importance of human agency, consciousness, and self-efficacy in explaining human behavior and social transformations. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, an 85-year longitudinal study, found unexpected results that challenged previously-held assumptions. They found that maintaining good relationships is the most important predictor of health, happiness, and long life; not income, success, IQ, or personality.

The Millennials and Gen Z's specificity is that they are highly educated and digitally connected, and they are demanding changes to address the environmental crisis, as well as social inequality and ethical problems. They have high self-efficacy, a positive outlook, and are socially connected through the global online communities. They are demanding changes to the reality that their parents have created, representing a different software of the mind, self, and culture.

Key publications

Kim, U., & Park, Y. S. (2013). The conception of self in Korea: Indigenous, cultural and psychological analysis. Korean Social Sciences Review, 3(1), 289-334.

Kim, U., Yang, K. S., & Hwang, K. K. (2006). Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context. New York: Springer.

Kim, U., Aasen, H. S., & Ebadi, S. (2003). Democracy, human rights, and Islam in modern Iran: Psychological, social and cultural perspectives. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Kim, U. & Kim, J. (2023). Understanding the software of the mind, self and culture: The scientific necessity of indigenous and cultural psychology. Psychology and Developing Societies, 35(2), 347-391.

Kim, U., & Park, Y. S. (2013). The conception of self in Korea: Indigenous, cultural and psychological analysis. Korean Social Sciences Review, 3(1), 289-334.

Kim, U., Yang, K. S., & Hwang, K. K. (2006). Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context. New York: Springer.

Kim, U., Aasen, H. S., & Ebadi, S. (2003). Democracy, human rights, and Islam in modern Iran: Psychological, social and cultural perspectives. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Kim, U. & Kim, J. (2023). Understanding the software of the mind, self and culture: The scientific necessity of indigenous and cultural psychology. Psychology and Developing Societies, 35(2), 347-391.

New session of the "Paris IAS Ideas" talk series, with the participation of Uichol Kim (College of Business School, Inha University, Korea) / Paris IAS Fellow
05 Jan 2024 14:30 -
05 Jan 2024 15:00,
Understanding the software of the mind, co-creativity, and cultural transformations
