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Marie Mallet-Garcia

Researcher at the University of Oxford
University of Oxford, UK (FIAS Program ; 2023-2024 Ville de Paris Chair)
The Role of Local Authorities in the Inclusion Process of Irregular Migrants
01 September 2023 - 30 June 2024

Marie Mallet-Garcia is a researcher at the University of Oxford and at the Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle. Her research interests include immigrants’ integration into the host society through access to and use of social services. She is particularly interested in the role of the local context in the inclusion process of migrants with precarious legal status.

In September 2023, she joins the Paris IAS as part of the French Institutes for advanced Study fellowship program - FIAS  - co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945408. Her fellowship also benefits from the support of the RFIEA+ LABEX, with a national funding (Grant ANR-11-LABX-0027-01). Marie Mallet-Garcia holds the 2023-2024 Ville de Paris Chair, supported by the City of Paris and the Paris IAS, to promote research on municipal issues.

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Research topics

Migration, integration, undocumented migration, multi-level governance, urban diplomacy

The Role of Local Authorities in the Inclusion Process of Irregular Migrants

Both Europe and the United States have experienced mirrored influxes of irregular migrants in recent years, and their cities must now manage the presence of a large number of irregular migrants. This is challenging due to conflicting national and local priorities, polarity in public opinion, and limited knowledge on the needs of these migrants. Some policymakers have attempted to form knowledge-exchange networks between cities, but there is a lack a thorough understanding of the contexts in which inclusion policies are successful. Scholars have started to examine local inclusion, but have struggled to provide generalizable findings due to the variability in local contexts. The project addresses this important challenge by providing the first pilot study offering generalizable model of local inclusion of irregular migrants. It does this by adopting an innovative ‘whole of society’ approach using the examples of Madrid and Paris. This allows to analyze the complex landscapes that bind various actors (irregular migrants, policymakers, NGOs, and the public) and societal forces (structural, political, social, cultural, and legal) within different local and national frameworks in order to provide an unprecedentedly refined understanding of the dynamics of local inclusion as well as practical tools for policymakers, citizens, and scholars to address the important challenge of managing the presence of irregular migrants. 

Key Publications

Bastick, Z., & Mallet-Garcia, M. (2022) Double lockdown: The effects of digital exclusion on undocumented immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Media & Society, 24(2), 365–383. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448211063185

Mallet-García, M. L., & García-Bedolla, L. (2021). Immigration Policy and Belonging: Ramifications for DACA Recipients’ Sense of Belonging. American Behavioral Scientist65(9), 1165–1179. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764221996777

Mallet, M. L, & Garcia Bedolla, L. (2019). Transitory Legality: The Health Implication of Ending DACA. California Journal of Politics and Policy, 11(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/P2cjpp11243090


Conference organized by Marie Mallet, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, with the support of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study
05 Dec 2024 10:30 -
05 Dec 2024 18:00,
Paris :
US Elections in Focus: Electoral Shifts and the Road Ahead
Talk by Marie Mallet-Garcia, Paris IAS Fellow , holder of the Ville de Paris Chair, as part of the "Towards a new management of migratory and commercial flows from Central America to North America" study day at Sorbonne Nouvelle University
24 Nov 2023 15:15 -
24 Nov 2023 16:15,
Paris :
U.S. Immigration Policy and Its Effects on Latin America
