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Marcello Simonetta

Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University, New York, États-Unis
Lucien Bonaparte: A Documentary Biography (1775-1840)
01 September 2011 - 31 May 2012

Marcello Simonetta was born in Pavia, Italy, in 1968. In 1993, he earned a Laurea in Lettere e Filosofia (magna cum laude) from the Sapienza University of Rome. In 2001, he received a PhD in Italian literature from Yale University. He has published three books: Rinascimento segreto: il mondo del Segretario da Petrarca a Machiavelli, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2004; The Montefeltro Conspiracy. A Renaissance Mystery Decoded, New York: Doubleday, 2008 (in Italian: L’enigma Montefeltro. Arte e intrighi dalla congiura dei Pazzi alla Cappella Sistina, Milan: Rizzoli, 2008); and Napoleon and the Rebel: A Story of Brotherhood, Passion and Power (co-authored with Noga Arikha), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. With the support of the IEA Fellowship, he is pursuing his research on a critical edition of Lucien Bonaparte’s unpublished Mémoires.

The final result of my research project will be two separate but complementary publications: a biography of Lucien Bonaparte (to be published in English, French, and Italian) and a critical edition of Lucien’s Mémoires (to be published in French). The Mémoires will be thoroughly annotated and will require a stay in Paris to consult original sources like private correspondences, diplomatic and official documents, newspapers, memoirs and such.

Talk by Marcello Simonetta (Paris IAS fellow)
14 May 2012 17:30 -
14 May 2012 20:30,
Londres :
Lucien Bonaparte Art Collector
27 Oct 2011 17:15 -
27 Oct 2011 19:00,
Rome :
Présentation du livre “Mon Cher Lucien – Lettere familiari a Luciano Bonaparte” de Ludovica Cirrincione d’Amelio e Maria Pia Ludovisi Bruzzese
Contemporary period (1789-…)