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Joana GuerrinJoana GuerrinJoana Guerrin

French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)
Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas (CAT Program)
07 November 2022 - 11 November 2022
Political science

Joana Guerrin is a Researcher at INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment in Political Science. She is based in Strasbourg (France) at the GESTE Lab. She completed her PhD in Political Science in 2014. Since then, she was a post-doc student at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and a lecturer at the University of Nîmes (France). As a researcher for INRAE since 2020, she is developing a research program on Nature-based Solutions for flood policy. She is analyzing the effects of using NbS as a concept on flood policies in France and in the US through the project Nature-based Solutions From Theory to Practice: comparing France and the US. She is also involved in a comparative Inde-France-Switzerland comparative project called FluidGov, intending to compare flood governance between the Ganges delta, the Swiss Rhône and the French Rhône delta, through political science, geography and environmental history analysis. She is currently (2022-2023) a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, supported by INRAE (PAF), ENGEES and the Fulbright program.

In November 2022, he joins the Paris IAS as part of the CAT program.

Research Interests

Flood policy, nature-based solutions, flood governance, water-related risks, social conflicts/social movements.

Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas

With our early-career network we address pressing societal challenges of living and ecology in urban agglomerations. 
Societies in European cities are faced with environmental problems related to the quality of air and water, biodiversity loss, and advancing climate change. At the same time, they need to tackle social-economic issues such as social cohesion and justice or the need to develop sustainable economic and mobility systems. All these challenges place complex demands on the use and functionality of urban space and infrastructures. Nature-based solutions, such as Green Infrastructures, are expected to play a major role in solving these issues through a redefinition and amplification of their functionality in urban areas.

Key Publications

Guerrin J., Comby E., Morera R., 2021, “From asset to threat: trajectory of sediment on the Rhône River (France)”, Water History, 13, 75-94, DOI 10.1007/s12685-021-00276-6

Mukherjee J., Morera R., Guerrin J., Véron R., 2021, "Histories of urban deltascapes: A comparison of Arles and Kolkata”, Global Environment, 14(3), 505-534, DOI 10.3197/ge.2021.140304.

Nahrath S., Guerrin J., 2019, “Enriching Institutional Resource Regime framework with the Politics of scale approach”. Environmental Science and Policy, 102, 18-25, DOI 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.08.009

Latest Publication

Brochet A., Guerrin J., 2022, « Les aléas de la pratique : le Plan Rhône à l’épreuve des riskscapes d’inondation du Rhône-aval », Géocarrefour, 96/1 | 2022, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/geocarrefour/19203 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/geocarrefour.19203
