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Rieke Hansen

Hochschule Geisenheim, Germany
Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas (CAT Program)
07 November 2022 - 11 November 2022
Architecture and spatial planning

Rieke Hansen is Professor for Open Space and Ecological Urban Design at the Institute of Open Space Development at Geisenheim University since November 2019. She studied Landscape and Open Space Planning at Leibniz University of Hannover and completed a technical clerkship in Landscape Stewardship in North Rhine-Westphalia. Between 2010 and 2018 she worked in research and teaching at the Technical University of Munich at the Chair for Strategy and Management of Landscape Development and completed her doctoral thesis there in 2018. In 2018 and 2019, she worked at the Chair of Landscape Architecture at the RWTH Aachen University. Her research focuses on the innovative potential of concepts such as green infrastructure, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions for sustainable urban development. In this context, she has worked on landscape and open space planning in metropolitan regions and cities in Germany, Europe, and the USA. Her international research projects included the BiodivERsA project URBES, the FP7 project GREEN SURGE, and the Horizon 2020 project proGIreg.

In November 2022, she joins the Paris IAS as part of the CAT program.

Research interests

Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning, Planning theory, Transition Theory, Sustainable Urban Development, Urban Ecology

Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas

With our early-career network we address pressing societal challenges of living and ecology in urban agglomerations. 
Societies in European cities are faced with environmental problems related to the quality of air and water, biodiversity loss, and advancing climate change. At the same time, they need to tackle social-economic issues such as social cohesion and justice or the need to develop sustainable economic and mobility systems. All these challenges place complex demands on the use and functionality of urban space and infrastructures. Nature-based solutions, such as Green Infrastructures, are expected to play a major role in solving these issues through a redefinition and amplification of their functionality in urban areas.

Key Publications

Hansen, R. and Pauleit, S., 2014. From multifunctionality to multiple ecosystem services? A conceptual framework for multifunctionality in green infrastructure planning for urban areas. AMBIO 43 (4): 516–529. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-014-0510-2

Hansen, R., van Lierop, M., Rolf, W., Gantar, D., Šuklje Erjavec, I., Rall, E. L., & Pauleit, S. (2021). Using green infrastructure to stimulate discourse with and for planning practice: experiences with fuzzy concepts from a pan-European, a national and a local perspective. Socio-Ecological Practice Research(3), 257–280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42532-021-00087-2

Latest Publication

Kabisch, N., Frantzeskaki, N., & Hansen, R. (2022). Principles for urban nature-based solutions. Ambio(51), 1388–1401. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01685-w
