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Jens Damm

University of Tübingen (EURICS Fellow)
China’s Public Diplomacy Strategies with regard to SARS-CoV-2 in Europe
16 September 2020 - 31 December 2020
Political science

Jens Damm is an associate researcher at the European Research Centre for Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Taiwanese Studies (EATS). Previously, he was Associate Professor at the Higher Institute of Taiwanese Studies at Chang Jung University in Tainan (2009-2019) and Assistant Professor at the Free University of Berlin. From 2015 to 2017 he was also a non-resident researcher at the Oriental Institute in Prague (PI of the interdisciplinary research project "China's Cultural Diplomacy: Role of Non-State Actors and Regional Variations" - grant of the Czech Scientific Foundation GAČR).

In september 2020, he joins the RFIEA program of Chinese studies (EURICS).

Research Interests

New media and the Internet, public diplomacy; the Taiwanese and Chinese diasporas, gender studies.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has led to profound changes in China's domestic politics. Together with the new global conflicts and changing international relations and changes in global economic relations, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic represents a watershed in politics, diplomacy, and international relations. New balances of global power are emerging, and China's relationship with the rest of the world is being reassessed both inside and outside China. It is connected to the issue of China’s system competition on a global basis: multipolar world order vs. decoupling, efficiency of authoritarian systems vs. democratic systems (e.g. the EU, but also Taiwan).

The research asks: To what extent does this pandemic control form a means of exercising soft power in public diplomacy? Which institutions and actors are involved e.g. Confucius Institutes, diplomats, academics? How do these new Chinese cultural diplomacy effects different European states, in particular Germany, France, and the UK as main players in Europe?

The research will build on text analysis of Chinese official and academic writings, and on expert interviews in Europe (later also with Chinese partner institutions in China itself).

Lecture organized by the European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS)
18 Dec 2020 10:00 -
18 Dec 2020 12:00,
China's Public Diplomacy with regard to COVID-19

Contemporary period (1789-…)
Western Europe