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Ilona Wysmulek

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Empirical Research: Critical Reflections on Concepts, Data and Methods
23 May 2022 - 03 June 2022

Ilona Wysmulek is an Assistant Professor in the research team on Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), where she is currently a leading researcher in the Survey Data Harmonization SDR and the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN projects. She is active in the Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN) and the ISA Research Committee on Social Transformations and Sociology of Development. Her research interests focus on corruption attitudes and behavior, meritocracy, attitudes toward inequality, and methodology of survey research and comparative empirical research.

In May 2022, she joins the Paris IAS as principal investigator within the CAT program.

Research interests

Comparative analysis of corruption, social inequality, perceived meritocracy, methodological issues of measurement comparability, survey quality, and ex-post data harmonization.

The project “Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Empirical Research: Critical Reflections on Concepts, Data and Methods” aims to address the challenge of sparse communication between the disciplines and strengthen the advantages of interdisciplinary approaches in corruption research, by facilitating an interdisciplinary Handbook on corruption and anti-corruption in empirical research with critical reflections on (a) the link between conceptualizations and methodological approaches in studying corruption, (b) limitations and benefits of particular data and methods for corruption research and (c) ethical and security-related issues in applying different methods of researching corruption.


24 May 2022 10:00 -
24 May 2022 13:00,
Methods in (Anti)-Corruption Research
Internal webseminar by young researchers selected as part of the Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) program
09 Jun 2020 14:30 -
09 Jun 2020 17:30,
Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Empirical Research: Critical Reflections on Concepts, Data and Methods

Contemporary period (1789-…)
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