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Angèle Christin

Assistant professor
Stanford University
In the Shadows of Algorithms? The Paradoxes of Algorithmic Labor
01 February 2020 - 30 June 2020

Sorbonne University - IEA de Paris Chair on "Major Changes"

Angèle Christin is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication and affiliated faculty in the Sociology Department and Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Stanford University. She studies how algorithms and analytics transform professional values, expertise, and work practices.

Her past research focused on the case of web journalism, analyzing the growing importance of audience metrics (‘clicks’) in web newsrooms in the U.S. and France, drawing on ethnographic methods. She also studied the construction, institutionalization, and reception of predictive algorithms in the U.S. criminal justice system.

She received her PhD in Sociology from Princeton University and the EHESS (Paris). She is an affiliate at the Data & Society Research Institute.


Algorithms and analytics, artificial intelligence, technology and sociotechnical systems, ethnography, work and organizations, journalism and new media, culture, comparative sociology.

In the Shadows of Algorithms? The Paradoxes of Algorithmic Labor

Digital technologies are transforming the production, distribution, and reception of news and media content in contemporary societies; they are also affecting existing systems of visibility and invisibility. To date, most research has focused on the kinds of labor made invisible by social media platforms. Paradoxically, in spite of media headlines on the dynamics of instant “virality,” less academic attention has been paid to the new forms of public visibility that have emerged on social media platforms, and their impact on the public sphere. In this project I examine the work practices, employment structures, and systems of online visibility enabled by algorithmic systems. Based on my ethnographic fieldwork in progress with influencers and content creators working across platform, I analyze the implications of these new forms of media discourse for the study of the algorithmic public sphere. 


Atelier en ligne organisé par Angèle Christin, chercheuse-résidente 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris
16 Jun 2020 10:00 -
16 Jun 2020 12:00,
Questionner le concept de travail algorithmique
Internal webseminar by Angèle Christin, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow
12 May 2020 14:30 -
12 May 2020 17:30,
Influenceurs : les paradoxes du travail algorithmique
31 Jan 2020 12:30 -
31 Jan 2020 12:30,
February 2020: the Institute welcomes new researchers!
Contemporary period (1789-…)
North America