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Julie Pollard

Lecturer and researcher
University of Lausanne
The market as a driver of social policies: A political economy of urban requalification
01 February 2020 - 30 June 2020
Political science

Julie Pollard, specialist in urban policy analysis, is a lecturer and researcher in political science at the University of Lausanne. She previously taught at Sciences Po Paris and at the Institut d'études politiques de Grenoble. She has a background in political science, sociology and urban studies. She recently published a book on real estate developers and housing policies in France: L'Etat, le promoteur et le maire: la fabrication des politiques du logement (Presses de Sciences Po, 2018). His articles have been published in: Gouvernement et action publique ; Géographie, Economie, Société ; Revue internationale de politique comparée ; Revue française de science politique ; Public Administration ; IJURR etc.

Research Interests

Public policies: sociology of public action, sociology of interest groups, multi-level governance, European and subnational comparison, qualitative approaches

Urban studies: housing, real estate players, real estate markets, urban requalification, urban services (energy, waste)

The market as a driver of social policies: A political economy of urban requalification

In a context of scarce public resources, the use of private actors has become an increasingly widespread public policy management modality. Liberalisation, privatisation, disengagement of the State: all these dynamics point to a growing role for private logic and actors in public action in Europe, including social policies.

Empirically, my research focuses on urban renewal policies in two European cities: Paris and Berlin. It analyses the emergence of a market mobilization imperative in two countries with a long history of public interventionism. It aims to understand how, gradually, public, local and national actors have put in place instruments to mobilize private actors in order to revitalize neighbourhoods in difficulty.

At what price do private actors take over from public actors? What are the effects of these marketing processes? How far do they disrupt the structuring and governance of these territories?


Webséminaire interne par Julie Pollard, résidente chercheuse 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris
16 Jun 2020 14:30 -
16 Jun 2020 17:30,
Le marché comme moteur des politiques sociales : Une économie politique de la requalification urbaine
31 Jan 2020 12:30 -
31 Jan 2020 12:30,
February 2020: the Institute welcomes new researchers!

Contemporary period (1789-…)
Western Europe