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Emmanuelle Danblon

Free University of Brussels
The Prophetic Function
05 October 2015 - 27 November 2015

Emmanuelle Danblon is Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles where she teaches rhetoric, argumentative theories and history of linguistic ideas. Her work aims at conciliating the rhetoric tradition with the contemporary linguistic concepts.

Research interests

Rhetoric, argumentation and speech and their links with institutions; nature; reason; epistemology; rationality.

Key publications

Rhétorique et rationalité, Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 2002 (Prize of the Fondation Perelman).
Argumenter en démocratie, Labor, 2004.
La fonction persuasive, Armand Colin, 2005.
Les rhétoriques de la conspiration, CNRS, 2010. L'homme rhétorique, Cerf, 2013.

The prophetic function that has been known and used during Antiquity and is lost today calls a range of human abilities (perception, intuition, understanding, formulation, anticipation, transmission) relating to the testimonial function. How can the two figures of Prophet and Witness shed light on one another? The religious question of divination and inspiration put aside, the research explores the rhetoric function of the individual carrying a testimony to the world about an event directly experienced, through his own senses. He is vested with the responsibility to deliver this message. The more the event is unexpected for senses, implausible for reason and ineffable for speach, the more the testimonial and prophetic function will be challenged. The upcoming loss of the last witnesses of Nazi extermination camps urges a better understanding of the prophetic / testimonial function. The project focuses on the cognitive, linguistic and rethorical questions of this new challenge for knowledge and society.

Round table with E. Danbon (ULB / 2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow), L. Naccache (ICM, UPMC), and A. Berthoz (Collège de France).
03 May 2017 17:00 -
03 May 2017 19:00,
Paris :
Poétique et neurologie de l'interprétation
Colloque organisé par E. Danblon, chercheuse invitée à l’IEA de Paris
05 Nov 2015 14:00 -
06 Nov 2015 18:00,
Paris :
La fonction prophétique Intuition, anticipation, narration
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