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Flavia Buzzetta

University of Palermo
Kabbalah Translated into Italian and French During the 16th century. Comparative codicology study on the influence of the hebrew mysticism on Italian and French Humanism
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016
Religious studies

Flavia Buzzetta works with Officina di Studi Medievali de Palermo, with French Labex Hastec and the Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes. She was awarded a 2014 Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship and a 2012 Braudel Fellowship (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme- Labex Hastec, Paris). She is a specialist of Christian Kabbalah, learned in hebrew, latin and greek, writing in French & English, besides Italian. She obtained her PhD in 2011 on Giovanni Pico della Mirandola : « Aspects de la magia naturalis et de la scientia cabalae dans la pensée de Jean Pic de la Mirandole (1486-1487) ».

Research interests

Medieval philosophy; magic and astrology; codicology; cultural transfers between Jewish and Christian humanists during the Italian Quattrocento.

Key Publications

As editor: Liber de homine, Edizione del ms. Vat. Ebr. 189, ff. 398r-509v, La Finestra, 2015.
La palingénésie spirituelle de l’homme entre generatio divina et generatio mystica du golem dans le Crater Hermetis de Ludovico Lazzarelli, Accademia XV, 2015.
Il simbolismo della “scrittura ad occhi” nel Liber misteriorum venerabilium (Shimmushei Torah). Aspetti di un peculiare retaggio della magia ebraica medievale, Aries 14, 2014.

The project deals with the influence of medieval magic and astrology on the Italian Quattrocento. This philosophical and philological study on the use and issues of the Kabbalah will include unpublished French and Italian manuscripts of Egidio da Viterbo, Niccolò Camerario and Jean Thénaud. It aims at broadening the scope of current studies in Christian Kabbalah with a thorough analysis of verbal cross-fertilization between the three linguistic traditions, Hebrew, Italian and French. This research will contribute to explore uncharted aspects of influence of Hebrew mysticism on Italian and French Humanism.

Database "Cabbala": https://cabbala.nakalona.fr/

Lecture by G. Lombardo (U. degli Studi di Messina) followed by a lecture by I. Gagliardi (U. degli Studi di Firenze) within the framework of the seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
11 Apr 2018 15:00 -
11 Apr 2018 18:00,
Paris :
L’anthroponymie ancienne. Quelques remarques sur le nom d’Ulysse
Lectures by M. V. Comacchi (U. Ca’ Foscari Venezia), M. Mantovani (U. Roma La Sapienza) and T. Anzuini (INALCO) within the framework of the seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
21 Mar 2018 15:00 -
21 Mar 2018 18:00,
Paris :
Le Dieu des noms entre la pensée juive et la pensée chrétienne en Italie au XVIe siècle
Seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
14 Feb 2018 15:00 -
11 Apr 2018 18:00,
Paris :
L’Incarnation du Nom : Débats cabbalistiques chrétiens sur les Noms divins à l’aube de la Renaissance
Lectures by E. Morlok (Goethe-University) and A. M. Vileno (Université Libre de Bruxelles) within the framework of the seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
14 Feb 2018 15:00 -
14 Feb 2018 18:00,
Paris :
L’Incarnation du Nom : débats cabbalistiques chrétiens sur les Noms divins à l’aube de la Renaissance
Lectures by J.-P. Brach (EPHE) and P. Vasileiadis (University of Thessaloniki) within the framework of the seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
19 Apr 2017 14:30 -
19 Apr 2017 17:00,
Paris :
L’Incarnation du Nom : débats cabbalistiques chrétiens sur les Noms divins à l’aube de la Renaissance
Talk by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM)
20 Dec 2016 14:30 -
20 Dec 2016 17:00,
Florence :
Misteri e nomina sacra in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Opening session of the seminar organized by F. Buzzetta (Paris IAS, CNRS – LEM) and S. Toussaint (CNRS – LEM)
26 Oct 2016 14:00 -
26 Oct 2016 17:00,
Paris :
L’Incarnation du Nom : Débats cabbalistiques chrétiens sur les Noms divins à l’aube de la Renaissance
Journée d'étude organisée par F. Buzzetta (résidente de l'IEA de Paris)
17 May 2016 10:00 -
17 May 2016 18:00,
Paris :
Le Dévoilement des Mystères en France au XVIe siècle. Paganisme, Christianisme et Cabbale
Communication de F. Buzzetta, résidente de l'IEA de Paris, donnée dans le cadre des ateliers "La magie dans l’Orient chrétien, juif et musulman"
25 Mar 2016 15:00 -
25 Mar 2016 17:00,
Paris :
La kabbale pratique entre Orient et Occident (XVe – XVIe siècle)
Modern period (1492-1789)
World or no region