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Pia Campeggiani

Postdoctoral researcher
University of Bologna
The Passionate Insight: Moral Emotions in Ancient Greece
01 September 2018 - 31 January 2019
Classical studies

I took my BA and MA degrees in Philosophy at Bologna University and received my PhD in Philosophy of Law from Pisa University in 2013. After that I held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at Edinburgh University, and worked as a research and teaching fellow at Bologna University. In 2017/2018 I was EURIAS Junior Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala. My work centres on the philosophy of emotions, with a special focus on the role of emotions in ancient Greek ethics and poetics. I am particularly interested in exploring the relevance of ancient views for contemporary accounts.

Research interests

Emotion theory; 4e cognition; ancient Greek theories of emotion; ancient Greek poetics;
Plato’s and Aristotle’s ethics

The Passionate Insight: Moral Emotions in Ancient Greece

My project aims to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of Aristotle’s theory of emotion. Most interpretations of Aristotle’s emotion theory provide us with an essentially disembodied reading of Aristotle’s views of cognitive and affective phenomena. During my stay in Paris, I will address the limitations of existing interpretations and focus on the following two main objectives: (1) to shed light on Aristotle’s conceptualization of emotion as a capacity of living beings by contextualizing it in the wider framework of his theory of cognition; (2) to explore fully the implications of Aristotle’s definition of emotions as ‘enmattered accounts’ not only in his psychology and natural philosophy, but also in his ethics, politics, rhetoric, and poetics.

Conference organized by P. Campeggiani and D. Walsh, 2018-19 Paris IAS fellows
05 Sep 2019 11:00 -
06 Sep 2019 17:00,
Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy
Workshop organized by O. Nachtomy (2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow / Bar-Ilan University) and M. Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM), with the support of the Paris IAS
23 Jan 2019 14:00 -
24 Jan 2019 17:30,
Paris :
Mind and Body Across Time and Discipline
Pia Campeggiani presents her research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
20 Nov 2018 10:00 -
20 Nov 2018 13:00,
Paris :
The feel of the real: perceptual encounters in Plato’s critique of poetry
Talk by P. Campeggiani, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
18 Oct 2018 09:30 -
18 Oct 2018 10:30,
Zagreb :
Aristotle on Emotions
Round table organized by D. Konstan (2016-2017 Paris IAS fellow), with the participation of P. Campeggiani (2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow)
03 Oct 2018 11:00 -
03 Oct 2018 13:00,
Paris :
Affection in ancient Greece and Rome
28 Sep 2018 14:00 -
28 Sep 2018 17:30,
Paris :
Affective Responses to Normative Significance in Aristotle's Ethics

Research project: "The Passionate Insight: Moral Emotions in Ancient Greece"
Antiquity (3500 BCE – 476 CE)
Western Europe