Facundo Alvaredo
Facundo Alvaredo is Research Fellow at the Department of Economics at Oxford University, and researcher at the CONICET. He is also a research affiliate at the CEPR and the CESifo. He earned a PhD in Economics (summa cum laude) from the Paris School of Economics. He has held fellowships from the FMSH, the Gould Foundation, the European Commission, the Fundación Carolina, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has taught at the Paris School of Economics, the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, and the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He has been a visiting scholar at the National Bureau of Economic Research / Harvard, the University of California – Berkeley, and a Junior Research Fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistiques (Paris).
This research proposal is part of an ongoing long-term project on top incomes and wealth concentration based on fiscal records, in which I participate together with Tony Atkinson and Thomas Piketty, and in which I will be working on in the coming years. It is linked to the work on distribution that I have been doing for some time now. During the stay at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Paris, special emphasis will be put on the analysis of the former French colonies regarding personal taxation and income concentration.
The actions envisaged include:
(i) establishing a long-run global picture of inequality as revealed by fiscal records;
(ii) analysis of the long-run drivers of inequality;(iii) analysis of the distributional impact of banking crises with particular attention on the right tail of income and wealth distributions;
(iv) creation of an on-line data archive on top income shares available to researchers.
Workshop organized by Patrice Duran (Director of the Paris IAS) and Facundo Alvaredo (Paris IAS fellow) |
Perspectives |