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Emmanuel Berger

Marie Curie fellow
University of Namur
The Criminal Jury in France and England in the late 18th Century. A Comparative Study of European Popular Justice
01 October 2013 - 30 June 2014

In the period immediately after the French Revolution, the Constituent Assembly imported and “copied” the English jury system. My project will develop the first comparative history of the criminal jury in France and England in the influential period of judicial reforms that occurred between 1791 and the French grand jury abolition in 1811. It will analyze the objectives, hopes, and disappointments of those who adopted the English jury model in Revolutionary France as well as comparing jury practices in the two countries. This research is relevant to contemporary Western societies, because the modern judicial systems of many countries developed directly from English and French models created in the late eighteenth century, and it will therefore make an important contribution to current scholarly debates in history, law, sociology and criminology.

Talks by S. de Souza Correa and E. Berger, 2013-2014 Paris IAS fellows
27 Apr 2017 10:20 -
27 Apr 2017 13:00,
Florianópolis :
Histórias Cruzadas
Journée d’étude internationale organisée par Emmanuel Berger, résident à l’IEA de Paris et Axel Tixhon (Université de Namur)
04 Apr 2014 09:00 -
04 Apr 2014 17:00,
Paris :
Polices et ordre public en France et en Angleterre (1750-1850). Les perspectives de l’historiographie contemporaine
Journée d’étude internationale organisée par Emmanuel Berger, résident à l’IEA de Paris et Axel Tixhon (Université de Namur)
04 Apr 2014 09:00 -
04 Apr 2014 17:00,
Paris :
Police and Public Order in France and England (1750-1850) Perspectives from current historiography
18 Oct 2013 00:00 -
18 Oct 2013 00:00,
Dijon :
La reconnaissance des faits ou l’appel à la conscience. Le dilemme des jurés d’accusation sous la Révolution et l’Empire (1791-1811)
Contemporary period (1789-…)
Western Europe