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The body in the metaverse

04 oct 2024 14:00 - 14:40

New session of the "Paris IAS Ideas" online talk series, with the participation of Salvatore Maria Aglioti (Sapienza University of Rome & CLN2S@sapienza, Italian Institute of Tecnology, Italy / Paris IAS Fellow).

The "Paris IAS Ideas" online talk series features short and stimulating presentations from fellows of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, marking the beginning of 1-month writing residencies.

Online only.
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The ’body in the metaverse’ project revolves around the novel, important concept that perceiving, imagining and representing one’s own and others’ body modulates not only basic sensorimotor processes but also higher-order mental functions like, for example, social decision making, in the real and in the virtual world. Also, it provides evidence that not only exteroceptive (e.g. visual, tactile and acoustic) but also interoceptive (coming from internal organs) body signals modulate complex cognitive and emotional processes.

04 October 2024, 14:00 - 14:40
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The body in the metaverse
01 October 2024 - 31 October 2024
04 Oct 2024 14:40
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Talks and lectures