Mathematics and Social Sciences Workshop
Workshop organised by Henri Berestycki (EHESS Study Director, Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park), Jean-Pierre Nadal (CNRS Research Director, EHESS Study Director), Joshua Plotkin (Professor at the University of Pennsylvania), Jean-Michel Roquejoffre (Professor at the University of Toulouse) and Camille Roth (CNRS Research Director, EHESS Study Director and Director of the CAMS).
Event closed to the public.
The workshop will explore new interactions between mathematics and the social sciences. It aims at fostering collaborations in modeling and quantitative approaches and identifying new mathematical challenges arising in the social sciences. Some of the topics to be discussed include:
- Diffusion of knowledge and social norms
- Dynamics of opinions, polarization, and social behavior
- Urban studies
- Cultural evolution, including language
- Partial differential equations, probabilistic models, and inference
Participants include scientists who are already developing mathematical models of social phenomena; and mathematicians who are motivated by these applications.
- CNRS (ANR ReaCh project)
- Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales - CAMS (Centre for Social Analysis and Mathematics)
- University of Pennsylvania