Home / Events / Planetary boundaries: a legal concept in the making for climate justice?


Planetary boundaries: a legal concept in the making for climate justice?

20 mar 2024 09:30 - 12:30
IEA de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Online workshop organized by the "Constructive Advanced Thinking" Research Group led by Marion Lemoine-Schonne, 2023-2024 Paris IAS Fellow.

Registration required to receive the connection link. (see form at bottom of page). The zoom link will be sent to you the day before the workshop.


This workshop is part of the activities of the CAT project Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment that investigates legal transformations induced by the scientific notion of planetary limits/boundaries.

The workshop aims to examine three aspects:

  • to identify the extent to which the notion of planetary boundaries has been taken on board by the law, particularly in arguments put forward in the context of climate litigation, as well as to explore why it has not been used,
  • to study the way in which it is mobilized by legal operators as a basis for their advocacy, as well as the reasons that lead them to appeal to the notion as part of their strategies, and
  • On a more general level explore the potential and limitations of the planetary boundaries framework as boundary object or bridging device at the intersection between science, ethics, and the law.

These three aspects will enable us to begin further reflect on the opportunities and challenges of making planetary boundaries a legal concept in its own right, likely to have an impact on the normative production, application and control of the law.

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09:30 - 12:30

  • Presentation of the CAT research project
    Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment. Introduction de l’atelier exploratoire
  • Brice Laniyan, docteur en droit public et juriste chargé des contentieux avec les multinationales pour l'ONG Notre affaire à tous NAAT
    Quel usage de la notion de limites planétaires dans les stratégies contentieuses climatiques ? Pertinence, objectif visé et concurrence avec d’autres notions
  • Béatrice Michalland, sous-directrice de l'information environnementale au sein du SDES (Service des données et études statistiques), Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la cohésion des territoires
    Presenation of the report La France face aux neuf limites planétaires, oct. 2023
  • Magali Dreyfus (CERAPS, CNRS), coordinatrice de l’ouvrage collectif Le droit français aux prises avec les limites planétaires, Mare & Martin, january 2024. Presentation of the collective book
  • Discussants : Nathalie Blanc (CNRS, LADYSS), Christel Cournil (IEP Toulouse), Sophie Grosbon (Université de Nanterre), Anne-Laure Baussier (Science Po Paris), Claire Malwé (Université de Rennes), Carina Oliveira (Université de Brasilia), and the members of the CAT research project, fellows of the Paris institute for Advanced Study.

Scientific and Organizational committee

CAT Group
Anne Dienelt, Law,  University of Hambourg, Germany
Vincent Gengnagel, Sociology, Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany
Marion Lemoine-Schonne, Law, CNRS, IODE, University of Rennes, France
Camila Perruso, Law, University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Henrik Thoren, Philosophy, Lund University, Sweden

Practical information

Online workshop. Registration required to receive the connection link (see form below). The connection link will be sent to you the day before the workshop.

Date dépassée
Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment
18 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment
18 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment
18 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment
18 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
Metamorphoses of Law(s)? A critical exploration of planetary boundaries and their meaning for the law relating to the environment
18 March 2024 - 29 March 2024
20 Mar 2024 12:30
Anne Dienelt,Camila Perruso,Henrik Thoren,Marion Lemoine-Schonne,Vincent Gengnagel
Conferences and workshops
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