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Embracing difference: scenarios for identities, interests, conflict, violence, and cohabitation

06 sep 2024 14:40 - 15:20

New session of the "Paris IAS Ideas" online talk series, with the participation of Adam Kahane (Reos Partners, Canada / Paris IAS Fellow).

The "Paris IAS Ideas" online talk series features short and stimulating presentations from fellows of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, marking the beginning of 1-month writing residencies.

Online only.
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Addressing important and difficult systemic challenges requires collaborating across deep differences, including of perspectives, positions, affiliations, interests, and identities. In many contexts, amplified by the polycrisis, such differences seem to be spreading, deepening, and hardening, and leading to increasingly violent and intractable conflicts at all scales. This project will outline multiple possible scenarios for the future of these dynamics, with a view to reframing and enriching options for enabling peaceful cohabitation.

Date dépassée
Embracing difference: scenarios for identities, interests, conflict, violence, and cohabitation
01 September 2024 - 30 September 2024
06 Sep 2024 15:20
Adam Kahane
Talks and lectures