CAT 2019 : FAQ

“Constructive Advanced Thinking” Program 2019



I have no PhD, can I be part of a team ?

Yes, but not as a principal investigator (PI, team leader). The PI must have a PhD.

I obtained my PhD before January 1st, 2010, can I be part of a team?

No, unless you are a representative of a stakeholder organization.

I am not a EU citizen, can I be part of the team?

Members of the team can be of any nationality but the principal investigator must have a stable research position in a higher education and/or research institution in the EU, UK or associated countries in the sense of the H2020 EU framework program.

I do not work in a European institution, can I be part of a team ?

The principal investigator must have a stable research position in a higher education and/or research institution in the EU, UK or associated countries in the sense of the H2020 EU framework program. Other members of the team can be of any nationality and from any country.

Application and selection

Can I choose in which institutes my team will meet?

It is possible to suggest institutes where the team would like to meet. The application must explain why these specific institutes. Final choices are made by the selection committee of the CAT program, and it is not guaranteed that the requests will be met.

What are the criteria for selection?

Scientific excellence of the team, innovative character of the proposal, capacity to shed new light on or bring solutions to societal issues.

What is the format of the video for the application?


Composition of the team

Can there be more than one representative of stakeholder organizations in the team?


There is a representative of a stakeholder organization in my team, can the team be larger than 5 persons?

No, teams cannot be larger than 5 persons.

What is a stakeholder organization?

A stakeholder organization is a non-academic organization or institution, whose main activity is not fundamental research. It can be a public institution (State, local authority, public agency), a private business, a non-governmental organization, a charity, etc.

Organization of the stays and support from the institutes

When will the teams know the schedule of their meetings in the institutes?

This will be the result of a negotiation with the hosting institutes after the selection (November 2019). Institutes will do their best to accommodate the schedule of the team as proposed in the application.

What support can I expect during a stay of my team in a participating institute?

The institute hosting a meeting will cover the travel and accommodation costs, either by making the booking directly or by providing reimbursement. Most institutes can also offer lunches for the team on weekdays.

Must teams make advance payments or are travels and accommodations directly dealt with by the institutes?

This will be dealt with directly with the hosting institutes before the stays.

What kind of research-related expenses can be requested?

If necessary for the project of the selected teams, the cat program can fund a small amount of research-related expenses, such as the cost of a small survey, the purchase of small equipment, etc. These expenses must be justified in the application and the funding is subject to agreement by the selection committee.
