Maria Manso

University of Lisbon, Portugal
Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas (CAT Program)
07 November 2022 - 11 November 2022
Architecture and spatial planning

Dr Maria Manso is a Researcher at CERIS, Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon since 2019. She graduated in Architecture in 2004 at Instituto Superior Técnico and worked as an Architect cooperating with studios in Portugal and United Kingdom. In 2011, she started working as a research fellow at C-MADE and worked as a teaching assistant of Materials for the Master of Architecture, University of Beira Interior. In 2019, she completed her PhD in Civil Engineering at University of Beira Interior. Her work domains are sustainable construction and systems design. Her research interests are the design and analysis of nature-based solutions, with a special interest on the evaluation of the environmental, social and economic benefits of green roofs and green walls and their life cycle assessment, looking to find alternative ways to create more sustainable solutions.  

In November 2022, she joins the Paris IAS as part of the CAT program.

Research interests

Sustainable Construction, sustainable materials, nature-based solutions, green infrastructure, green roofs, green walls.

Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas

With our early-career network we address pressing societal challenges of living and ecology in urban agglomerations. 
Societies in European cities are faced with environmental problems related to the quality of air and water, biodiversity loss, and advancing climate change. At the same time, they need to tackle social-economic issues such as social cohesion and justice or the need to develop sustainable economic and mobility systems. All these challenges place complex demands on the use and functionality of urban space and infrastructures. Nature-based solutions, such as Green Infrastructures, are expected to play a major role in solving these issues through a redefinition and amplification of their functionality in urban areas.

Key Publications

Manso, M., Teotónio, I., Silva, C.M., Cruz, C.O., Green roof and green wall benefits and costs: A review of the quantitative evidence. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 135, 110111.

Manso, M., Castro-Gomes, J.P. Green wall systems: A review of their characteristics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 41, p. 863-871.

Latest Publication

Manso, M., Sousa, V., Silva, C. M., Cruz, C. O., The role of green roofs in post COVID-19 confinement: An analysis of willingness to pay, Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 44, 103388.
