Remise du prix Charles et Monique Morazé à Mala Singh
Remise du prix Charles et Monique Morazé à Mala Singh, professeur à la Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Afrique du Sud, en présence de Jean-Pierre Dozon, directeur scientifique de la FMSH, Peter Stockinger, professeur à l'INALCO, Roland Waast, directeur de recherche émérite à l'IRD et Gretty Mirdal, directrice de l'IEA de Paris.
Madame Mala Singh donnera à cette occasion une conférence intitulée « Re-thinking Knowledge and Social Change ».
The paper starts from the premise that twenty years after the transition to formal democracy in South Africa, the issue of the production and use of socially relevant knowledge and the role of progressive researchers in contributing to social change warrant renewed attention. The analysis centers on two issues. The first relates to different ways of interpreting the knowledge needs of the current conjunc- ture. The second concerns the relationship between knowledge, truth and truthfulness in the world of knowledge for policy. The paper argues for greater reflexivity about the current conditions for producing research for social change in a context increasing divided about what constitutes a good society.
Keywords: social change in South Africa, knowledge society, knowledge for policy, truthfulness, means and ends
La remise de prix sera suivie d'un cocktail.
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